Clock In Punch Dialog - Public #

This dialog will prompt the employee with the necessary information required to record a clock in punch.

The person code and name are displayed in this field.
Currently Clocked
Informs employee of current clocked status
About to Clock
Informs employee if they are about to clock In or Out
This field displays the date the clock in takes place.
The time of the clock in punch will display here.
Special condition
If a special condition is to be used, the employee may select one here.
Travel Time
Allows changing of Department/Cost Center by using the ‘Travel Time’ functionality. TRAVEL time is a condition that may be applied to IN punches which will cause the matching OUT punch to be charged (in GL) to the out punch department. This is determined by the ‘location’ of the KIOSK used for the clock in.
Extra Work Time
If extra work time is necessary, the employee may add that here.

Previous Shift #

Informs employee of the previous shift or time entries that have been generated from UTTP, UEGTS, or a clock IN and OUT that was not scheduled.
Time Entry Type
The type of time entry that has been previously recorded will display here.
Start Date
The start date of the time entry is displayed here.
Start Time
The start time of the time entry is displayed here.
End Time
This field displays the end time of the time entry.

Upon ‘Submit’ the newly generated clock entry is processed.

Upon ‘Cancel’ the newly generated clock entry remains but is not processed.

Notes #

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