!!Action Wage Step Change Dialog
The MSWSSC dialog, called from [ISWS] allows the user to add a change to a wage step.

;[Change Date|CHANGE_DATE]:This field shows the date the change is to occur.

;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field shows the reason for the step change.

;[Type|DRV_TYPE]:This field indicates the type of change to be applied. With the Cell Increase or Decrease, not only will the step be increased/decreased on the scale, but also its associated cell will be increased/decreased on the rate matrix.

||If You Select This Type||These fields will appear
|Percent Increase|*[Number Decimals|ROUND_RULE]\\*[Round Method|ROUND_METHOD]\\*Percent - The percent of the increase is indicated in this field.\\*Scale Base Date
|Fixed Increase|*Amount - The amount of the increase is indicated in this field. \\*[Number Decimals|ROUND_RULE]\\*[Round Method|ROUND_METHOD]
|Percent Decrease|*[Number Decimals|ROUND_RULE]\\*[Round Method|ROUND_METHOD]\\*Percent- The percent of the decrease is indicated in this field.\\*Scale Base Date
|Fixed Decrease|*Amount - The amount of the decrease is indicated in this field. \\*[Number Decimals|ROUND_RULE]\\*[Round Method|ROUND_METHOD]
|Cell Increase|*Amount
|Cell Decrease|*Amount
|Set Rate|*Amount
|Percent/Step Increment|*[Number Decimals|ROUND_RULE]\\*[Round Method|ROUND_METHOD]\\*Percent\\*Step Increment

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