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The Leave Reason Required [MPLRR] screen allows you to see the leave reason required.  The data in the dialog is stored on the [P2K_PR_TIME_SHEETS] and [P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES] tables.

;[Time Sheet #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]:The time sheet that the leave reason is associated with is displayed in this field.
;[Employee|PERSON_CODE]:The employee that the leave reason is associated with is displayed in this field.

;[Date|LEAVE_DATE]:The date of the leave reason is displayed in this field.
;[Leave Type|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]:The type of leave is displayed in this field.
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:The time code associated with the leave is displayed in this field.
;[Leave Time|LEAVE_TIME]:The leave time is displayed in this field.
;[Reason|LEAVE_REASON]:The reason for the leave is displayed in this field.
;[Leave Reason Text|LEAVE_REASON_TEXT]:The reason for the leave is displayed in this field.

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