!!!Change History Dialog The Change History (MMTCL) dialog may be used to view historical changes associated with each record within a screen. The dialog will display the following information for each column within the record in focus. !Columns ;[Prompt|FIELD_PROMPT]:The prompt given to the field will display here. ;[Column Name|COLUMN_NAME]:The database assigned column name will be displayed here. ;[Domain Name|DOMAIN_NAME]:The name of the domain of the column will be displayed here. ;[Data Type|DATA_TYPE]: The data type of the field is displayed here. ;[Length|VALUE_LENGTH]:The allowed field length will display here. ;[Change occurred|CREATE_DATE]:The date the change occurred will display here. ;[Action|CHANGE_ACTION]:The type of action or change that occurred will be displayed here. ;[Function|FUNCTION_NAME]:The name of the function where the change took place will display here. ;[Changed By|DRV_CHANGE_ACCESSOR]:This field will display which user made the change. If a Professional user is logged in and has made a change the user name will be displayed as the one who made the change, if logged into Self Service while making the change the person code will be displayed, changes mapped to roles will display role name, recruiter will display the recruiter code and candidates will display candidate code. ;[Before Value|DRV_BEFORE_VALUE_FORMATTED]: This field will display the value before the change was made. ;[After Value|DRV_AFTER_VALUE_FORMATTED]:This field will display the value after the change was made. !User Fields ;[Prompt|FIELD_PROMPT]:The prompt given to the User Defined Field will display here. ;[User Field|USER_FIELD_NAME]: The name of the User Defined Field will be displayed here. ;[Purpose|PURPOSE]: The purpose of the User Field will be displayed. ;[Change occurred|CREATE_DATE]:The date the change occurred will be displayed here. ;[Change Occurred|CHANGE_ACTION]: The type of action that was performed when the record was changed, will display here. ;[Function|FUNCTION_NAME]:The name of the function where the change occurred. ;[Changed By|DRV_CHANGE_ACCESSOR]:The user who made the change will be displayed here. If a Professional user is logged in and has made a change the user name will be displayed as the one who made the change, if logged into Self Service while making the change the person code will be displayed, changes mapped to roles will display role name, recruiter will display the recruiter code and candidates will display candidate code. ;[Before Value|BEFORE_VALUE]:The value of the record before the change occurred will be displayed here. ;[After Value|AFTER_VALUE]:The value of the record after the change occurred will be displayed here. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.MMTCL] [{InsertPage page='Internal.MMTCL' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]