The Subject Requests [MMREQ] screen allows you to .....  The data in the dialog is stored on the [P2K_AM_REQUESTS] and [P2K_AM_REQUEST_ACTIVITIES] tables.

;[Request Type|REQUEST_TYPE_CODE]:The request type is defined in this field.
;[Sent On|DATE_SENT]:The date the request was sent is defined in this field.
;[Sent From|EID_ID_FROM]:The individual who sent the request is defined in this field.
;[Status|REQUEST_STATUS]:The status of the request is defined in this field.
;[Synopsis|REQUEST_SYNOPSYS]:A synopsis of the request is displayed in this field.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:A description of the request is displayed in this field.
Complete Request
Deny Request
Add Activity
;[Type|  ]:
;[Added By|  ]:


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