The [MICR font|MICR FORMAT] is used to create check output.  This font must be installed on the Report Server.

!Windows Server Font Installation
#Start Menu 
#Control Panel 
#Double click on the Fonts folder in the Control Panel
#Under the file menu select install new font
#Navigate to the location of the new font file(s) to be loaded, Select All, and click OK
**__The fonts are now installed. __
#Ensure that the printer you have defined as the default printer on the application server is configured to allow downloadable softfonts. (In printer properties)

!UNIX Server Font Installation
For [Windward Reports|WINDWARD REPORTS] usage, the MICR font needs to be picked up by the [Application Server's|APPLICATION SERVER] Java Engine.  This can be accomplished by placing the MICR font file (the TTF file) into the following directories, under the Oracle Application Server directory:
* jdk\jre\lib\fonts
* jdk-default\jre\lib\fonts
* jdk1.6\jre\lib\fonts

For [Oracle Reports|ORACLE REPORTS] usage, the MICR font needs to be picked up by the Operating System itself and you should follow your operating system's instructions for that installation.

![Discussion|Internal.MICR Installation]
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[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

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