[{TableOfContents}] !!System Accessor Messages These messages are generated as a result of activity on the [P2K_AM_ACCESSORS] (MAC) and [P2K_AM_ACCESSOR_DETAILS] (MACD) tables. !MACD_00001 ;Message:Your new Password is <password> . Please reset your password after your first login. Thank you.. ;Cause: ;Action: ;Operation: ---- !MACD_00002 ;Message:The newly assigned password is <password>. ;Cause: ;Action: ;Operation: ---- !MACD_00004 ;Message:You are changing the P2K user password. A server re-start with a new database connection is required immediately. ;Cause: ;Action: ;Operation: ---- !MACD_00005 ;Message:We were unable to email your new password to you. Reason: <<EXCEPTION_MSG>> ;Cause: ;Action: ;Operation: ----