!!System Accessor Messages
These messages are generated as a result of activity on the [P2K_AM_ACCESSORS] (MAC) and [P2K_AM_ACCESSOR_DETAILS] (MACD) tables.

MACD_00001 is used by both [IMUS] and [IEID] when a new password is created for an employee or a user. This is the message used by the email that is sent out.

%%information If you want a subject line in the email that is sent to the employee, set up the Help Text (ENG) to handle this. This will ensure that the subject line is not blank.%% 
;Message:Your new Password is <password> .  Please reset your password after your first login.  Thank you..
MACD_00002 is used by both [IMUS] and [IEID] when a new password is created for an employee or a user. This is the message that pops up in Personality. 
;Message:The newly assigned password is <password>.
;Message:You are changing the P2K user password. A server re-start with a new database connection is required immediately.
;Message:We were unable to email your new password to you. Reason: <<EXCEPTION_MSG>>
;Message:Your new Password for Self service is <password>.
;Message:Your new candidate Password is <password>.
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