The Work Calendar Utility Dialog [MDWCU] screen allows you to duplicate and create a work calendar.  The data in the dialog is stored on the [P2K_CM_WORK_CALENDARS] table.

__Duplicate Range__
;[From Relative Day|RELATIVE_DAY_NUMBER  ]:This field indicates the start day relative to the starting date. 
;[To Relative Day|RELATIVE_DAY_NUMBER  ]:This field indicates the end day relative to the ending date.
;[From Date|  ]:
;[To Date|  ]:

__Create Range__
;[From Relative Day|RELATIVE_DAY_NUMBER  ]:This field indicates the start day relative to the starting date.
;[To Relative Day|RELATIVE_DAY_NUMBER  ]:This field indicates the end day relative to the ending date.
;[From Date|  ]:
;[To Date|  ]:

[{InsertPage page='Internal.MDWCU' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]