MBT - Months Between This operator takes the months between Operand 2 and Operand 3 and stores the result in Operand 1. The value stored in Operand 1 will be either a positive or negative value. The number of months will be expressed as a fractional number. Statement: If an employee has worked more than 3 months for the company and their employment status is still listed as ‘Probation’, issue a warning to the Exception Report. Line CMD OT Operand 1 OPER OT Operand2 OT Operand3 If Goto Else GoTo 00010 LET V MONTHS SERVICE MBT DB EEM.HIRE_DATE $S PERIOD-END-DATE 00020 00020 IF V MONTHS SERVICE GE N 3 00100 99999 00100 IF DB DES.STATUS_CODE EQ A PROBATION 00200 99999 00200 MSG A EE STATUS S/B ACTIVE 99999 99999 EXIT 99999