!!!Manager Hierarchy
Screens that are specific to the role of Manager allow you to view a list of the employees you supervise, directly or indirectly. 
The employees you will have access to in this screen will be determined by the reporting structure defined in the application. 
An employee's information will be made available, if you or your position has been identified in any of the following fields for that employee:

||Table ||	Form||	Field
|[Assignment Details|P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]|	[IEAS]|	[Supervised By|EID_ID_SUPERVISED_BY]
|[Position Details|P2K_CM_POSITION_DETAILS]|	[IDPS]|	[Manager|EID_ID] \\[Reports to Position |DPS_ID_REPORTING_TO]
|[Department|P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS]|	[IDDP]|	[Supervisory Position |DPS_ID]

If an employee who reports to you likewise has access to employees through these fields, you will be able to view the information for those employees also.

Managers are able to see employees that report to positions that they manage that happen to be vacant. For example, on terminating Level 2 employee, Level 3 employee is shown under Level 1 employee.

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