For the ADMIN application, the Main Application Window appears as soon as you successfully login and it remains for the duration of your session. All of your work will be done within this window.

The Main Application Window provides the work area for the application. Normally, you need only one Main Application Window open at any point in time, unless you are working on multiple systems (e.g. test and production).

The Main Application Window is a container for all of your form windows. All windows within the application use standard Windows behavior that is intuitive and easy to use.

Each of the components of the Main Application Window is described in more detail below.

Window Title Line#

The window title line identifies the following:

  • the product name
  • the version of the software you are currently running
  • your user name
  • a description provided by your site on IMST that identifies the environment
• the AS OF date On the right hand side, it provides the standard Windows icons to minimize, maximize or close the window.

Window Menu Bar#

Below the window title is the window menu bar. The application menus work the same as in other Windows applications.

On the right hand side is the command line that is used for quick access to functions.

Window Work Area#

Below the window menu bar is a large work area that is used to hold the form windows you are currently working with. There is no practical limit on the number of windows you are able to have open at one time.

You are able to enlarge or shrink this area by expanding or reducing the size of the Main Application Window. The easiest way to do this is to click and drag the bottom right corner of the window.

Form Loading Progress Window#

While forms are loading, the following progress window displays:

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page