This is the mobile version of the Maintain Personnel Actions ISPA screen. This dialog screen can be accessed through the PA Approvals screen W1MDVAR.

Personnel Actions are date sensitive proposals to change a person's employment and/or work arrangement, for which some kind of approval is required.

Personnel Actions are created from application forms for functions that have a PA Type associated with them and maintained through the Maintain Personnel Actions ISPA form.

Record Personnel Actions data is maintained on the P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_ACTIONS and P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_CHANGES tables.

This field will display the name of the person the personnel approval will affect.
This field provides a brief description of the personnel action.
This table outlines the original and new values as a result of the personnel action.
Originated By
This field displays the type of personnel action.
Change Reason
This field will allow you to provide a description or reason for the PA.
For Future Records
If this is one, the Personnel Action will replace/override future effective date record(s) that was created previously by another Personnel Action.
Approval Comments
This field allows the approver to include any additional comments to the Personnel Action.

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