Access to ePersonality the application is restricted to authorized users. Tight security procedures are enforced to protect the integrity of the system. !Welcome Screen As soon as the application starts up, you will be presented with the welcome screen. [{Image src='LoggingIn_01.JPG' width='300' align='center' link='attach/Logging In/LoggingIn_01.JPG'}] The Welcome Screen may be provided in an alternate language if the multilingual facility is being used. !Login To gain access to the application, you must supply the following valid credentials: ;[User Name|USER_NAME]: The user name uniquely identifies you and establishes the roles, capabilities and access rights that you have been authorized for. The user name is an up to 30 character alphanumeric mandatory field that is preassigned by your system administrator. ;[User Password|USER_PASSWORD]: The password is a secured field known only by you that is used to authenticate your login. As you enter your password, the system fills the field with asterisks to keep it confidential.