This interface format is used to load a source file for elections only, there are no election components updated with this file or interface. The elections will be loaded into the [P2K_BE_ELECTIONS] table ([IBEL]). ||Rec\\#||Field\\#||Name||Beg\\Pos||End\\Pos||Constant\\Value||Derivation\\Expression||Notes |0| 0| HEADER RECORD*| 0| 0| | | Since there is 1 header record in the file, one field must be defined in the interface for the header record. |1| 1| BEL.BPN_ID.PLAN_CODE| 3 |15| |{{{ P2K_SMGLX('GWRS_PLAN_TRNSLT',~)}}}|The derivation will decode the policy number to the plan code. |1| 2| BEL.EEM_ID.EID_ID.PERSON_CODE |46| 55| |{{{ LTRIM(~,'0')}}}|The person code will be trimmed of any leading zeros |1| 3| BEL.ELECTION_STATUS| -1| -1| 11| | The election status will be hard coded to Elected, LBEN will then enrol the employee. |1 |4| BEL.BCG_ID.COVERAGE_CODE| -1| -1| |{{{ P2K_SMGLX('GWRS_PLAN_TRNSLT',~)}}}|The derivation will decode the original value from the plan code field to the actual coverage code. |1| 5| BEL.F_QUALIFIER***| -1| -1| TRUE| {{{ CASE when (:BEL.BPN_ID.PLAN_CODE) ='99999-05' then 'TRUE' when (:BEL.BPN_ID.PLAN_CODE) = '99999-02' then 'TRUE' else 'FALSE' end}}} |The LMTD will use this field to determine if the record qualifies for this interface. The derivation will check to make the original value in BEL.BPN_ID.PLAN_CODE is either 99999-02 or 99999-05, if it is not then the record will be bypassed. |2| 0| TRAILER RECORD**| 0| 0| | | ;:*Record 0, Field 0 must have a Record Type of 'Header Record' ;:**Record 2, Field 0 must have a Record Type of 'Trailer Record' ;:***Record 1, Field 5 must have a Record Type of "Qualify Record'