This interface format is used to load a source file for elections only, there are no election components updated with this file or interface. The elections will be loaded into the [P2K_BE_ELECTIONS] table ([IBEL]).

This is a sample of the minimum set up required to load employee benefit coverages using [LBEN]. All the values will be derived from the coverage code indicated in the file. This load sample does not allow individual benefit components to be updated. The value from defaulting from the [IBPN] will be used. In this sample the interface will be expecting a .csv containing no more than 5 fields. 

If Approval Required is set to 'Approval Required' on IBPN, an approval is needed before a plan is enrolled.

__Note__: Loading is limited to only the current active employment only. Loading will also not work if there is a Termination Date. 

|30| 1| BEL.BPN_ID.PLAN_CODE| -1 |-1| | |
|30| 2| BEL.EEM_ID.EID_ID.PERSON_CODE |-1|-1| | |
|30| 3| BEL.ELECTION_STATUS| -1| -1| | |To update employee enrollments records should be loaded with a value of "11-Elected". These records will use the IBEL logic to change the status to "01-Enrolled". "80-Declined" or "90-Remove" can also be used to remove employees from coverages. "00-Not yet Elected" will result in no changes occurring to the record and should not be used. 
|30| 4| BEL.BCG_ID.COVERAGE_CODE| -1| -1| | |
|30| 5| BEL.BE_EFFECTIVE_DATE| -1| -1| | |
|30| 6| BEL.EEM_ID.TERMINATION_DATE|0|0| | |The constant value of two quotation marks (no space) can be used to determine a NULL termination date which will be the ACTIVE employment. Note this field does not need to be included on the file.


This interface format is a sample of client specific set up used to load a source file for elections only.

|0| 0| HEADER RECORD*| 0| 0| | | Since there is 1 header record in the file, one field must be defined in the interface for the header record.
|1| 1| BEL.BPN_ID.PLAN_CODE| -1 |-1| |{{{ P2K_SMGLX('GWRS_PLAN_TRNSLT',~)}}}|The derivation will decode the policy number to the plan code.
|1| 2| BEL.EEM_ID.EID_ID.PERSON_CODE |-1|-1| |{{{ LTRIM(~,'0')}}}|The person code will be trimmed of any leading zeros
|1| 3| BEL.EEM_ID.TERMINATION_DATE|-1|-1|‘’| |The constant value of two quotation marks (no space) is used to determine a NULL termination date which will be the ACTIVE employment
|1| 4| BEL.ELECTION_STATUS| -1| -1| 11| | The election status will be hard coded to Elected, LBEN will then enroll the employee.
|1 |5| BEL.BCG_ID.COVERAGE_CODE| -1| -1| |{{{ P2K_SMGLX('GWRS_PLAN_TRNSLT',~)}}}|The derivation will decode the original value from the plan code field to the actual coverage code.
|30| 6| BEL.BE_EFFECTIVE_DATE| -1| -1| | |
|1| 7| BEL.F_QUALIFIER***| -1| -1| TRUE| {{{ CASE when
(:BEL.BPN_ID.PLAN_CODE) ='99999-05'
 then 'TRUE'
  when (:BEL.BPN_ID.PLAN_CODE) = '99999-02' 
  then 'TRUE'
   else 'FALSE'
    end}}} |The [LMTD] will use this field to determine if the record qualifies for this interface. The derivation will check to make the original value in BEL.BPN_ID.PLAN_CODE is either 99999-02 or 99999-05, if it is not then the record will be bypassed.
|2| 0| TRAILER RECORD**| 0| 0| | |

;:*Record 0, Field 0 must have a Record Type of "Header Record"
;:**Record 2, Field 0 must have a Record Type of "Trailer Record"
;:***Record 1, Field 5 must have a Record Type of "Qualify Record"

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