This is an example of an interface that was defined for a client to load a source file from a timekeeping system into the [IPTL] form. The transactions will be loaded by [LMTD], and then will be sent to [IPTR] by running [UPTL]

|1| 1| PLPL.PERSON_CODE| 1| 11| Char| |{{{ LTRIM(~,'0')}}} |This will trim any leading zeros
|1| 2| PLPL.START_DATE| 12| 19| Char| |{{{TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(RTRIM(~),'MMDDYYYY'),'DD-Mon-YYYY')}}}|This will format the incoming date to the Personality standard.
|1| 3| PLPL.TIME_OR_AMOUNT| 28| 35| Char| | {{{TO_NUMBER(~)/100}}} |This will take the provided value and divide it by 100 since the amt provided does not include any decimal places.
|1| 4 |PLPL.JOB_CODE |36| 39| Char| | |
|1|5| PLPL.TIME_CODE| 40| 42| Char| |{{{decode
:PLPL.TIME_CODE))}}}|The value provided is the client's Labor Code. The system will first check if the Work In Process value is a 1 or 2, if it is then it will use OTR1 or OTR2 time code accordingly. If the WIP value is neither a 1 or 2, then the value provided will be translated to an Personality time code by comparing the provided value with the displayed value in the client's user defined PL_TIME_CD_KEYED lexicon. The file format is a fixed format.
|1| 6| PLPL.F_WORK_IN_PROCESS|43 |43| Char| |  |File value will be used to determine if OT applies. The field name has been changed to a foreign field name so that the column in the table will not be updated if OT is applied.
|1| 7| PLPL.WORK_ORDER| 67| 72| Char | | |
|1| 8| PLPL.COST_CENTER_CODE|44| 50| Char| | |
|1| 9| PLPL.PREMIUM_CODE1| 51| 66| Char| | |
|1 |10| PLPL.ENTITY_CODE| -1| -1| Char| ABC| | Hard codes Entity to ABC 
|1| 11| PLPL.EMPLOYMENT_TYPE| -1| -1| Char| 01| | Updates Emp Type to be Employee
|1| 12| PLPL.DESTINATION_TYPE |-1| -1| Char |01| | Hard codes the Destination to be [IPTR]
|1| 13| PLPL.UPTL_STATUS| -1| -1| Char|00| |Hard codes the [UPTL] Status to be 'To Be Loaded'
|1 |14| PLPL.CATEGORY_CODE| -1| -1| Char| REG-PAY| |This will hard code the Category Code to REGPAY
|1| 15| PLPL.BATCH_CODE| -1| -1| Char| RAIL| |This will hard code the Batch Code field in [IPTL] with RAIL.
|1 |16| PLPL.DISTRIBUTION_MASK| -1 |-1| Char| |{{{
   '-?????-???????-?-' ||
    '-?????' }}}|The system will take the value provided in the PLPL.WORK_ORDER field and will populate the 2nd segment based on the translated value from the user defined 'PL_ASSIGNO' lexicon. The 6th segment will also be populated based on the PLPL.TIME_CODE field (Labor Code) which will be translated by comparing it to the displayed value in the client's user defined 'PL_LABOR_CD_KEYED" lexicon.
|1 |17| PLPL.F_QUALIFIER| -1| -1| Char |TRUE| {{{CASE WHEN
 END}}}|This derivation is used to determine if the record qualifies for this type of load. It checks to see if the first 2 characters of the value in the time code field are VA, if they are then the record does not qualify and thus will be bypassed. This is used to Bypass vacation type components which will be loaded directly into [IAAL] via a different interface. The RECORD TYPE must be QUALIFY RECORD.

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