LE - Less Than or Equal to The Less Than or Equal To (LE) operator checks that the Operand 1 is less than or equal to Operand 2. Statement: If the value of gross earnings for this pay (held in PC 10) is less than $100.00, issue a warning. Line CMD OT Operand 1 OPER OT Operand2 OT Operand3 If Goto Else GoTo 00010 IF PC 10 LE N 99 00100 99999 00100 MSG A EE'S EARNS VERY LOW, PLEASE VERIFY! 99999 99999 EXIT 99999

The UserCalc see if Operand 1 (Pay Component 10) is less than or equal to Operand 2 (99). If this is the case, the UserCalc goes to line 00100 to issue a warning.