The JSPWIKI.PROPERTIES file, contained in the WEB-INF folder identifies the operating characteristics of the wiki engine.  The file is quite well documented, but this page identifies the setting changes made:

!jspwiki.applicationName = xxxxxxx
This identifies the application name and when the ~[{$applicationname}] variable is used in the wiki markup, it is used there.  This is distributed this with Personality as the application name.  McKesson changes it to HHRM, for their distribution.

!jspwiki.baseURL = xxxx
This describes where the wiki "lives" and is used to create the links to the various wiki pages.

!jspwiki.pageProvider = VersioningFileProvider
This identifies how the pages are stored and version information is kept.  Options here are
#    RCSFileProvider        - for simple RCS-based file storage.
#    FileSystemProvider     - for simple pure file storage with no version information.  __This is the default__
#    VersioningFileProvider - for simple, non-RCS based versioning storage.

!jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir = D:~\\wikidata
This is the directory on the application server where the wiki files are kept. For Windows-based installations, each backslash must be represented by ~\\.  The application server process must have full access to this directory.

!jspwiki.workDir = D:~\\wikidata~\\temp
This is the directory where temporary files are set.  It is used to store searchg results from the Lucene search engine. The application server process must have full access to this directory.

!jspwiki.basicAttachmentProvider.storageDir = D:~\\wikidata
This directory indicates where any attachments may be uploaded.  It is normally set to be the same as the fileSystemProvider directory, but could be anywhere.  The application server process must have full access to this directory.

!jspwiki.diffProvider = ContextualDiffProvider
This setting identifies how page differences should be presented in the wiki.  The options available, out of the box are  as follows.  Users can indicate a different difference program, if desired.
#  TraditionalDiffProvider - Uses internal (java) diff to create a list of changes and shows it line by line colored. __This is the default__
#  ContextualDiffProvider - Uses internal (java) diff to create changes inline and shows it on a word by word basis using CSS. This is much superior to the traditional diff provider, and is the choice for these wikis.
#  ExternalDiffProvider - uses a system diff program (which can be configured using "jspwiki.diffCommand") to create a unified (!) diff. 

!jspwiki.translatorReader.matchEnglishPlurals = false
This setting allows for a match between two terms which may be plurals of another.  Initially set, experience has shown that this has potential for confusion, so it has been disabled.

!jspwiki.lockExpiryTime = 30
This setting identifies the lock expiry time, for when a person opens the page.  The time is expressed in minutes.

!jspwiki.plugin.searchPath = 
This setting indicates the path to search for plug-ins to the wiki engine.  Current setting is,com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin,brushed.jspwiki.tableplugin__

!jspwiki.cookieAssertions =
This setting is TRUE by default, but it is recommended that this be set to FALSE.  If on, the Wiki engine will "think" you are who you say you are by virtue of the presence of a [cookie|WIKI.COOKIES] to say so.  Review [JSPWIKI.POLICY] to determine if you want to allow this setting.  It's still considered to be unsafe, just like no login at all, but it is useful when you have no need to force everyone to login.

!User and Group database files
These settings indicate the place where the XML data base files are stored, for user and group definitions.  These two directory/file names should be changed to reflect you r environment configuration so as to preclude them from being overwritten at the next upgrade.
 jspwiki.xmlGroupDatabaseFile = D:~\\wikidata\Configuration\\groupdatabase.xml
 jspwiki.xmlUserDatabaseFile = D:~\\wikidata\Configuration\\userdatabase.xml

!!Interwiki Links
The wiki configuration comes with a number of InterWiki links defined.  Most are commented out, by placing a # symbol in front of the line. The ones left behind are:

* This is the JSPWiki home.  In future, JSPWiki will probably rely on this for error messages, so I don't recommend that you change it.
jspwiki.interWikiRef.JSPWiki =

* Here's how you can have directly links to the JSPWiki editor. Now you can put a hyperlink for editing "MainPage" by making a link [Edit:MainPage].
jspwiki.interWikiRef.Edit = Edit.jsp?page=%s

*  JSPWiki documentation (for this release)
jspwiki.interWikiRef.Doc =


This setting is False by default.  If you turn it to True, and restart the wiki application, an experimental (as-is) administrator interface becomes available for users of the Admin group at the web address


This interface may be used to perform the following administrative tasks, without having to connect to the server itself:
* Force re-indexing (otherwise this is accomplished by deleting the lucene directory)
* Identify plug ins (read-only)
* Manage Users (edit, delete, add)
* Manage groups

!jspwiki.attachment.forbid=  or jspwiki.attachment.allow=
For the prevention of allowing hackers and others from uploading an attachment to a page that might compromise security, this setting can be set to prohibit attachments of specific types of files.  You may always want to allow only specific types of attachments, and there is a setting for that.  By default, all attachments are allowed except those noted here

jspwiki.attachment.forbid=.html .htm .php .asp .exe

!jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern.1 = 
These settings indicate the types of images that can be included "inline" with the wiki markup text.

jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern.1 = *.jpg\\
jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern.1 = *.gif\\
jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern.2 = *.png

These settings control the behavior and location of the logfile generated by the wiki engine

* __log4j.appender.FileLog.MaxFileSize    = 10MB__  --- The maximum size of a logfile before it is closed and sent to the next logfile
* __log4j.appender.FileLog.MaxBackupIndex = 14__  --- How many logfiles will be kept.  The oldest one will be deleted when the newest one is created
* __log4j.appender.FileLog.File = D:~\\wikidata~\\temp~\\log~\\wiki.log __  -- The location and name of the log file

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