!!!Define Performance Management Profiles This function is used to store and track performance management requirements for jobs and positions within an entity and is used when the recruitment module will not be implemented. If the recruitment module is being used then IRJP would be used in place of ISJP. If both performance management and recruitment is being used, then IRJP should be used. The definition data for the Maintain Job Profiles screen is stored in the [P2K_RE_JOB_PROFILES], [P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_USAGES], [P2K_RE_REQUIREMENTS], [P2K_RE_RECRUITING_STAGES], [P2K_RE_RECRUITERS], [P2K_RE_POSTINGS], [P2K_CP_TRAINING_NEEDS]tables. !!PM Profile This is a user defined name holding the code that identifies a performance management profile within a company.