[{TableOfContents }]

This function is used to store and track performance management requirements for jobs and positions within an entity  and is used when the recruitment module will not be implemented.  If the recruitment module is being used then IRJP would be used in place of ISJP.  If both performance management and recruitment is being used, then IRJP should be used.

The definition data for the Maintain Job Profiles screen is stored in the [P2K_RE_JOB_PROFILES], [P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_USAGES], [P2K_RE_REQUIREMENTS], 

             This is a user defined name holding the code that identifies a performance
             management profile within a company. 

             This field displays a brief description of the profile 

             This field identifies the entity to which the profile belongs.
!!Profile tab

              This field displays the nature of the performance management job profile.
              This field allows you to further categorize the performance management
              job profile

              This field will display the status of the performance management job
              User defined text to further define the purpose of the performance 
              management job profile
              Goals are defined in [IDCC] Define Core Competencies and used to set the 
              core competencies for the job being defined.  The
              definition data for the Competence tab can be found on the 
              P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_USAGES table

;[Confirmed Status]:
              This field will indicate the status of confirmation for the competency
              for this performance management job profile. 
              This field will indicate the date the competency was confirmed for this
              performance management job profile. 
;[Confirmed by]:
              This field allows you to indicate who confirmed the competency for this 
              profile and any other additional information about the competency. 
;[Start Date]:
              If the competency is time sensitive for this profile, this field
              displays the first day of the time period. 

;[End Date]:     
              If the requirement is time sensitive for this profile, this field 
              displays the last day of the time period.

;[Confirmed by]:
              This field allows you to indicate who confirmed the competency for this 
              profile and any other additional information about the competency. 
!!Jobs Tab

This will display any jobs associated with this job profile. 

You may not add jobs directly to this screen. In order to associate a job to a job profile, you must first create the job profile and then link that profile with a job through the Maintain Jobs (IDJB) screen. Once the IDJB screen is saved, the job information will appear in the Jobs tab of ISJP. 

             The job code is the short name, reference code, or number that uniquely 
             identifies this job within the organization.
;[Job Title]:
             This is the formaltitle by which the organization knows this job.
             This is the unit to which the job belongs.
             Occupation is a user-definable occupation code.
;[Description 1]:
             This field allows you to provide additional text or title information 
             about the job.
;[Description 2]:
             This field allows you to provide further comments about the job.
             This field identifies the nature of the job type.
;[WCB Class]:
             This field displays the Workers’ Compensation classification used to 
             determine the WC category for reporting. 
;[EEO Category]:
             The Employment Equity Opportunity category is a code used to tie the job 
             to a particular EEO category.


!!Positions tab#
             This will display any positions associated with this job profile. 

You may not add positions directly to this screen. In order to associate a position to a performance management job profile, you must first create the profile and then link that profile with a position through the Maintain Position (IDPS) screen. Once the IDPS screen is saved, the position information will appear in the Position tab of ISJP. 

               The position code is the number, reference code or abbreviation that 
               uniquely identifies this position within the organization.
!Position Title
               This is the official or formal title of the position.
               This field displays the name of the unit to which this position 
               This field displays the job on which the position is 
               This field displays the department in which the tasks take 
               This is the location where the tasks are being performed.
!Description 1
               This field allows you to give a brief description of the position 
               including any details other than the title.
!Description 2
               This field provides a space for further information about the 
!Position Type
               This field shows the nature (i.e. executive, management, supervisory, 
               etc.) of position being defined.
!WCB Class
               This field displays the Workers’ Compensation classification used to 
               determine the WC category for reporting. 
!Responsibility Level
               This field displays the responsibility level of this position, for 
               example, staff, supervisor, or executive. 
               Indicates whether the position is approved, not approved or obsolete. 
               Indicates whether the position is budgeted, not budgeted or encumbered. 
               The number of full time equivalent positions for which a commitment has 
               been made by the organization.