!!!DEFINE PENSION TABLES __Pension Tables__ are used to hold the values which the system will use to calculate pension benefits. The Define Pension Tables (IXPT) screen allows you to review all the applicable pension tables. This screen contains the pension factor values that are used to return the monthly payment, calculate interest, or calculate step down. *The IXPT form is not one the end-user will need regular access to. *The pension tables are associated with the pension components defined in the Define Pension Options form ([IXPO]). *Pension tables are loaded into Personality2000 via the Load Pension Option Tables ([UXPTL]) form. *The IXPT form is not date effective. *The majority of the tables, such as those from the actuary, will be pre-loaded and not require manipulation. *The interest, vesting and COLA tables are maintained by the who will be responsible for manually making changes for these tables. Define Pension Tables data is stored in the [P2K_RX_PN_TABLES] and [P2K_RX_PN_TABLE_DETAILS] table. ;[Pension Table|PENSION_TABLE_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the pension table. Pension_Table_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that either you must fill manually or shall be loaded. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The ‘Description’ field provides a short description of the pension table. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field either you must fill manually or shall be loaded. ;[Text|PENSION_TABLE_TEXT]:This field explains how the currently highlighted pension table operates and its usage. Pension_Table_Text is an optional 2000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[PT Filter1 Type|PENSION_TABLE_FILTER1_TYPE]: / [PT Filter5 Type|PENSION_TABLE_FILTER5_TYPE]: These fields display filters associated with each pension table. The filters will default in, based on the data loaded. The fields PTFilter_Table1_Type through to PTFilter_Table5_Type are optional fields that may be filled through the fixed lexicon (X_PENSION_FILTER_TYPE). ;[Version Text|VERSION_TEXT]:This field provides information regarding any creation or update of a pension table, for instance the date of update. ;Filter Displays: As the filters are selected through ‘PT Filter Type’, columns displaying the filter information (e.g. Member Retirement Age) will be displayed at the left hand bottom of the screen.