__Pension Recipients__ are individuals who receive pension benefits.

The Define Pension Recipients (IXPR) form allows you to create new pension recipients and maintain
information on existing recipients.

Define Pension Recipients data is stored in the [P2K_RX_PN_RECIPIENTS] and [P2K_RX_PN_RECIPIENT_DETAILS] table.

;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]:This field identifies the employee who will be defined as the pension recipient.
;[Name|IDENTITY_NAME]:This is the full name of the pension recipient. Name will default into the field once the person code has been selected.
;Contact:If the recipient is listed in the employee’s contact list, you may select that name in this field.
;[Category|RECIPIENT_CATEGORY]:This field allows the user to select the type of relation the contact is to the member.
;[Deceased as of|DECEASED_DATE]:If the employee is deceased, the date of death is inputted here.
;[Include Cola|INCLUDE_COLA]:Include_Cola is an optional toggle field.

!!Payment History tab
;Retirement Option:
;[Date of Payment|PAYMENT_DATE]:This is the date when payments were made to the recipient.
;[Calendar Period|CALENDAR_PERIOD]:This field shows the calendar period for this payment.
;[Payment Amount|PAYMENT_AMOUNT]:This is the amount paid out with this payment.
;[Payment Category|PAYMENT_CATEGORY_CODE]:This is the payment category that this payment is associated with.
;[Audit Info|AUDIT_TEXT]:This field provides additional information pertaining to the payment history in focus.

!!Payment Allocation tab
;[Status|RECIPIENT_STATUS]:This field holds the status of the recipient.
;[Payment Seq#|PAYMENT_SEQUENCE]:Payment_Sequence is an optional 10-digit numeric field you may enter manually.
;[Payment%|PAYMENT_PERCENT]:Payment _Percent is an optional 18-digit numeric field you may manually enter.
;[Payment Amount|PAYMENT_AMOUNT]:Payment_Amount is an optional 14-digit numeric you may enter manually.

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