!!!DEFINE PENSION PLANS Once the components, tables and categories have been defined, __Pension Plans__, the actual plans employees may enroll in, may be created. There can be different plans within a company, separate plans for different unions, for example. The actual pension plans are defined on the Define Pension Plans (IXPN) form. Plans must be first defined on IXPN before they are available to members. Define Pension Plans data is stored in the [P2K_RX_PENSION_PLANS] table. ;[Pension Plan|PENSION_PLAN_CODE]:This field displays the name of the pension plan. Pension_Plan is mandatory 10-character alphanumeric field you must fill. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The Description field provides a short description of the pension plan. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[COPY PLAN |ACT_COPY_PLAN]: ;[Establish as of|ESTABLISHED_DATE]:This field shows the date when the pension plan is open to new members. Date_Effective is a mandatory date field you must enter either manually or using the calendar icon (F9). ;[Frozen as of|DATE_FROZEN]:If the plan is frozen this field shows the date it was frozen from. If a plan is active, the ‘Date Frozen’ field will be blank. Date_Frozen is an optional date field you must enter either manually or using the calendar icon (F9). ;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field shows the entity associated with the pension plan. Entity_Code from P2K_CM_ENTITIES is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field you may enter manually or select from the LOV. ;[Interest Calendar|CALENDAR_CODE]:This field shows the calendar that will establish the interest dates defined by the entity. Interest_Calender from P2K_CM_Calendars is a mandatory field you must enter manually or select from the LOV. ;[Payment Calendar|CALENDAR_CODE]:This field shows the calendar that will establish the payment dates defined by the entity. Payment_Calender from P2K_CM_Calendars is a mandatory field you must enter manually or select from the LOV. ;[Service Calendar|CALENDAR_CODE]:This field shows the calendar that will establish the service dates defined by the entity. Service_Calender from P2K_CM_Calendars is a mandatory field you must enter manually or select from the LOV. ;[Pension Plan Text|PENSION_PLAN_TEXT]:This field explains how the current pension plan operates and its usage. Pension_Plan_Text is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.