A Pension Component is any identifiable component of a pension, or any item that needs to be stored or totaled.

The Define Pension Components (IXPC) form defines the necessary pension components and pension component rules.

The system will determine what the returned value will be and the category of the pension component (Evaluation or Analysis).

Define Pension Components data is stored in the P2K_RX_PN_COMPONENTS table.

This field will determine the order in which the pension components will be processed.
PN Code
This field displays a predefined code that uniquely identifies pension component.
This field defines the category the currently highlighted pension component falls under.
This is the prompt that will be displayed in associated fields to access this pension component.
This field will determine if the pension component will be displayed in the Maintain Pension Evaluations (IXPE) form.
Return Type
This field will determine the type of value returned.
The Description field provides a short description of the pension component.
Component Text
This field explains how the currently highlighted pension component operates and its usage.
This field displays any pension rules associated with this pension component.
This field describes the PN rule defined in the previous field.
Rule Text
This field allows explains how the currently highlighted pension rule operates and its usage.

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