Pension Accounts define which plans and options individual employees are enrolled in. The employee will have their own account and account number for pensions.

The Define Pension Accounts (IXPA) form allows you to create the necessary pension accounts.

Define Pension Accounts data is stored in the P2K_RX_PN_ACCOUNTS and P2K_RX_PN_ACCOUNT_DETAILS tables.

Account Info#

Pension Account
This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the pension account.
Pension_Account_Code is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Person Code
This field identifies the person associated with this account.
Person_Code from P2K_HR_IDENTITES is a mandatory field you must fill either manually or by using the LOV (F9).
First Name
This is the first name of the person associated with this account. First_Name will default in once the Person Code field is filled.
Last Name
This is the last name of the person associated with this account. Last_Name will default in once the Person Code field is filled.
Pension Plan
This field allows you to identify the pension plan associated with this account.
Pension_Plan from P2K_RX_PENSION_PLAN is a mandatory field you must fill either manually or by using the LOV (F9).
Pension Option
The Pension Option field identifies the option the employee has selected upon official
retirement. This field is only completed once the employee retires. Pension_Option from P2K_RX_PN_OPTIONS is an optional field you may fill either manually or by using the LOV (F9).
A mandatory field with the date the EE was enrolled in the pension plan.
Enrollment_Date is a mandatory date field you may fill either manually or using the calendar icon.
Adj. Enrolled
This field allows you to override the date the employee was enrolled.
Adjusted_Enrollment_Date is an optional date field you may fill either manually or using the calendar icon.

Retirement Info#

Term Date
Term Reason
Annuity Start
If the member is receiving a benefit, this indicates the date the payment started.
Annunity_Start_Date is an optional date field you may fill either manually or using the calendar icon.
Retired On
This field displays the retirement date for this employee.
Retirement_Date is an optional date field you may fill either manually or using the calendar icon.
O/R Vest Percentage
This field allows you to enter the vesting factor (50%, 75%, etc.). This is an override field.
Override_Vest_Percentage is an optional 18-character numeric field you may enter manually.
Vested on
This field displays the date on which the employee was vested within the plan.
Vested_Date is an optional date field you may fill either manually or using the calendar icon.
Deceased as of
The date on which the member became deceased
Deceased_Date is an optional date field you may fill either manually or using the calendar icon.
Service Connected Death
If this toggle is ON, the employee’s death was connected to their employment.
Service_Connected_Death is an optional toggle.

Pension Account Text#

The Pension Account Text field allows you to store any additional information and notes necessary regarding this account.
Pension_Account_Text is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may manually enter.
Retire Member
Print Service
Pension Status Code
This field will display the status of the account.
E.g. Active, Retired, LTD Pension_Status_Code from P2K_RX_PN_ACCOUNT_STATUSES is a mandatory field you must fill either manually or by using the LOV.
Plan Code
This field allows you to provide additional information about pension status and pension code.