Pension Activity is an activity component associated with a pension component.

The Define Pension Activities (IXAC) screen allows you to view and create new pension activities

Define Pension Activities data is found in the P2K_RX_PN_ACTIVITIES table.

The fields will be automatically filled once the pension account number is selected. Most of the fields are for viewing only, however, you may add components or override the value of an existing one.

PN Activities#

This field shows the calendar period being viewed for this account.
Start / End Date
These fields display the dates of the pension activity.
This field displays the status of the pension activity.
This field identifies the source of the pension activity.
Ref Information
This field allows you to store any additional information and notes necessary regarding this activity.

PN Activity Components#

This field displays the pension components associated with this activity.
This field displays the status of the pension component.
This field gives a description of the pension component highlighted.
This field displays the value associated with the activity.
Override Value
If you need to override the value already associated with activity, you may enter the new value in this field.
Audit Info
This field allows you to add any additional information regarding the activity they might feel necessary.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page