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The Pension Account Interface File screen is used to import pension accounts into the software data structures.

Pension Account Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_PNACCOUNTS] table.

;[ID|ID]:This field identifies the pension account record within the data base.
;[Pension Plan|PENSION_PLAN_CODE]:This field identifies the pension plan associated with this account.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:The entity associated with the pension plan is displayed in this field.
;[PN Account|PENSION_OPTION_CODE]:The Pension Option field identifies the option the employee has selected upon official retirement. This field is only completed once the employee retires.
;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]:This field identifies the person associated with this account.
;[PN Account|PENSION_ACCOUNT_CODE]:This field displays the pension account.
;[Enrolled On|ENROLLMENT_DATE]:This field displays the date the EE was enrolled in the pension plan.
;[Adj. Enrollment Date|ADJUSTED_ENROLLMENT_DATE]:This field displays the override date the employee was enrolled.
;[Vested On|VESTED_DATE]:This field displays the date on which the employee was vested within the plan.
;[Retired On|RETIREMENT_DATE]:This field displays the retirement date for this employee.
;[Start Date of Annuity|ANNUITY_START_DATE]:If the member is receiving a benefit, this indicates the date the payment started.
;[Deceased as of|DECEASED_DATE]:The date on which the member became deceased.
;[Service Connected Death|SERVICE_CONNECTED_DEATH]:This field indicates if the employee’s death was connected to their employment.
;[O/R Vest Percentage|OVERRIDE_VEST_PERCENTAGE]:This field displays the vesting factor (50%, 75%, etc.). This is an override field.
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
;[PN Account Status|PENSION_STATUS_CODE]:This field will display the status of the account.
;[Effective As Of|EFFECTIVE]/[Expires On|EXPIRY]:If the account is time sensitive, these fields will indicate the dates it is effective.
;[Pension Account Text Details|PENSION_ACCOUNT_TEXT_DETAILS]:This field allows you to enter in details about the pension account.
;[Pension Plan Details|PENSION_PLAN_DETAILS]:This field allows you to enter in details about the pension plan.

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