The Pension Account Interface File screen is used to import pension accounts into the software data structures.

Pension Account Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_PNACCOUNTS table.

This field identifies the pension account record within the data base.
Pension Plan
This field identifies the pension plan associated with this account.
The entity associated with the pension plan is displayed in this field.
PN Account
The Pension Option field identifies the option the employee has selected upon official retirement. This field is only completed once the employee retires.
Person Code
This field identifies the person associated with this account.
PN Account
This field displays the pension account.
Enrolled On
This field displays the date the EE was enrolled in the pension plan.
Adj. Enrollment Date
This field displays the override date the employee was enrolled.
Vested On
This field displays the date on which the employee was vested within the plan.
Retired On
This field displays the retirement date for this employee.
Start Date of Annuity
If the member is receiving a benefit, this indicates the date the payment started.
Deceased as of
The date on which the member became deceased.
Service Connected Death
This field indicates if the employee’s death was connected to their employment.
O/R Vest Percentage
This field displays the vesting factor (50%, 75%, etc.). This is an override field.
Change Reason
This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
PN Account Status
This field will display the status of the account.
Effective As Of/Expires On
If the account is time sensitive, these fields will indicate the dates it is effective.
Pension Account Text Details
This field allows you to enter in details about the pension account.
Pension Plan Details
This field allows you to enter in details about the pension plan.

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