The Pension Activities Interface File screen is used to import pension activities into the software data structures.

Pension Activities Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_PNACTIVITIES table.

This field identifies the pension activity record within the data base.
The entity associated with the pension activity is displayed in this field.
Pension Plan
This field identifies the pension plan associated with this account.
Pension Account
This field identifies the pension account.
Person Code
This field identifies the person associated with this account.
Start Date/End Date
If this account is time sensitive, the start and end dates of the account are listed in these fields.
Pension Activity Status
This field displays the status of the pension activity.
This field identifies the source of the pension activity.
This field identifies the calendar associated with the pension activity.
Calendar Period
This field identifies the calendar period associated with this activity.
Activity Start Date
This field displays the pension activity start date.
PN Component
This field uniquely identifies a pension component.
Activity Component Status
This field displays the status of the pension component.

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