The Event Site Interface File screen is used to import salary scales and steps into the software data structures.

Event Site Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_EVENTSITES table.

This field identifies the event site record within the data base.
This field identifies the entity associated with the event site.
Work Division
This field identifies the work division associated with the event site.
Work Area
This field identifies the work area associated with the event site.
This field identifies the work station associated with the event site.
Event Site
This field displays the name of the event site.
Job Number
This field identifies the job number associated with the event site.
Date of Inception
This field provides the date the event site commenced.
The status of the event site is defined in this field.
If the event site is time sensitive, the start and end dates of the site are provided in these fields.
This field indicates if the event site has been approved.
Distribution Mask
This field provides the distribution mask associated with the event site.
A description of the event site is provided in this field.
User Override
Reference Information
Further details about the event site are provided in this field.

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