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The Premium Interface File screen is used to import [premium|PREMIUMS] data into the software data structures.  

Premium Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_PREMIUMS] table.

;[ID|ID]:This field identifies the premium record within the data base.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:Premiums are associated with the entity identified in this field.
;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]:Each premium must be associated with a unit which may be identified in this field.
;[Premium|PREMIUM_CODE]:The name of the premium is identified in this field.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field holds a description of the premium code.
;[Premium Type|PREMIUM_TYPE_CODE]:In this field, the premium is categorized into one of the premium types created in the [ISPT] form. 
;[Premium Type Sequence|PREMIUM_TYPE_SEQUENCE]:The sequence field is used to determine an order of priority for premiums.
;[Effective as of|EFFECTIVE]/[Expires On|EXPIRY]:If the premium is time limited, these field define that time period. 
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:
;[Pay Component Dollars|PC_CODE_DOLLARS]:This field specifies the pay component code to which dollar amounts are associated with the premium. 
;[Pay Component Time|PC_CODE_TIME]:This field specifies specifies the pay component code to which time amounts are associated with the premium. 
;[Calculation Rule|PREMIUM_CALC_RULE]:Premium Calc rule is the rule that will be used to calculate the premium. 
;[Rate Basis|RATE_BASIS]:This field defines the time period (hour, day, week, year) used with the premium rate value provided. 
;[Rate|PREMIUM_RATE]:This is the rate that will be used when the Premium Calc rule includes “premium rate” in the formula.
;[Premium Prorated|PREMIUM_PRORATED]:This field will indicate if the premium paid will be prorated based on the employee’s FTE value. 
;[Pay Point Type|PAY_POINT_TYPE]:This field displays the point in the payroll cycle when the premium should be processed.
;[Pay Point Sequence|PAY_POINT_SEQUENCE]:This field defines the sequential order of each step taken within a pay point. 
;[Replacement Options|REPLACEMENT_OPTION]:This field indicates if the hours and/or earnings will be replaced by the new hours and/or earnings (including premium) calculated when the pay line is generated. The premium will remain attached to the pay line for audit purposes.
;[Highest Rate of Day|HIGHEST_RATE_OF_DAY]:This field indicates if the toggle is ON it provides the ability to apply the highest rate of pay received on that day worked including premiums.
;[Premium Wage Source|PREMIUM_WAGE_SOURCE]:This field defines the source of the premium, either from the pay line or from the highest scale/step rate on the position rec
;[User Variable|USER_VARIABLE_CODE]:This field displays a specific user variable for a premium rather than relying on the user variable associated with the pay component.
;[Custom Premium Logic|CUSTOM_PREMIUM_LOGIC]:If you require custom premium logic, contact your consultant.

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