Table of Contents


The Matrices Interface File screen is used to import salary review matrices into the software data structures.

Matrices Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_MATRICES table.

This field identifies the salary review matrix record within the data base.
The entity that the matrix is associated with will be displayed in this field.
Salary Matrix
This field identifies the name of the matrix.
Start Date/End Date
If the matrix is time sensitive, these fields provide the dates the matrix is in effect.
This field provides a description of the matrix.
Overall Rating
This is the rating that is being tracked for this record in the matrix.
Low Comparison Ratio
This field shows the lowest level of compa-ratio that is being defined in this record.
High Comparison Ratio
This field holds the applicable high level of compa-ratio being defined in this record.
Minimum %
For each rating/approval record, this field defines the minimum percent (of the range rule applicable) that is allowed for an employee with this approval rating and compa-ratio.
Maximum %
For each rating/approval record, this field defines the maximum percent (of the range rule applicable) that will be allowed for an employee with this approval rating and compa-ratio.
Recommended %
For each rating/approval record, this field defines the company-recommended percentage (of the range rule applicable) that should be awarded to an employee with this approval rating and compa-ratio.
Compa Ratio Limit
This field allows you to specify the maximum salary range that an employee at this overall rating/compa ratio level is allowed to earn.
Auto Approval
If personnel action forms are to be created as pre-approved for this overall rating/compa ratio level, this flag may be turned on. If left off (blank), personnel action forms resulting from this level will not be automatically approved.
Maximum Points/Minimum Points
These fields will show the maximum and minimum points a candidate may obtain for an assessment.

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