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The Work Histories Interface File screen is used to import work history records into the software data structures.   

Work Histories Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_WORKHISTORIES] table.

;[ID|ID]:This field identifies the work history record within the data base.
;[Candidate|CANDIDATE_CODE]:The candidate associated with the work history is displayed in this field.
;[Company Name|COMPANY_NAME]:This field provides the name of the company where the employee was previously employed. 
;[Country Name|COUNTRY_CODE]:This field identifies the country where the previous employment occurred. 
;[State, Country|STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field identifies the state where the previous employment occurred. 
;[Industry|INDUSTRY_CODE]:This field identifies the company’s industry. 
;[Verified Status|VERIFIED_STATUS]:This field indicates whether the past employment at the defined company has been verified or not. 
;[Verified On|DATE_VERIFIED]:This field displays the date the employment. 
;[Contact Name|CONTACT_NAME]:This field provides the name of the main contact person for this company.
;[Contact Title|CONTACT_TITLE]:This field provides the title of the main contact person for this company. 
;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:The field provides the address of the company being defined. 
;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field provides additional address information for the company being defined. 
;[City/Town|LOCALITY]:This field identifies the city for the company being defined. 
;[Zip Code|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field provides the zip/postal code for the company being defined.
;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:This field provides the main phone number for the company being defined. 
;[Extn.|PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field provides the main phone extension for the company being defined. 
;[Alt. Phone|ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:This field provides an alternative phone number for the company being defined. 
;[Alt. Extn|ALT_PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field provides an alternative phone extension for the company being defined. 
;[Fax #|FAX_NUMBER]:This field provides a fax number for the company being defined. 
;[E-mail|EMAIL_ADDRESS(Field)]:This field provides an email address for the company being defined. 
;[Lang. Code|LANGUAGE_CODE]:This field displays the main language that this assignment functioned under. 
;[Company Size|COMPANY_SIZE]:This field indicates the size of the company being defined.\\''e.g. ‘Less than 25 EE’,. ’30 – 90 EE’, ‘Over 30,000 EE’ ''
;[Emp. Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:This field displays the employment type that this assignment belonged to.\\''e.g. employee, retiree, contractor''
;[Group Type|GROUP_TYPE]:This field displays the group type that this assignment belonged to.\\''e.g. Temp FT, Contractor, Retiree, Student''
;[Resp Level|RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL]:This field indicates the responsibility level of the assignment.\\''e.g. staff, management, supervisory, executive, senior executive''
;[Category|JOB_CATEGORY]:This field displays the job category that this assignment belonged to. 
;[Title|ASSIGNMENT_TITLE]:This field displays the title that the employee held at their previous employment. 
;[Start Date|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]/[End Date|ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE]:These fields display the employment start and end date of this assignment. 
;[Reason for Leaving|REASON_FOR_LEAVING]:This field displays the reason why the employee left the company being defined. 
;[Hours/Day|HOURS_PER_DAY]:This field displays the average hours per day the employee worked in this assignment. 
;[Hours/Week|HOURS_PER_WEEK]:This field displays the average hours per week the employee worked in this assignment.
;[Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE]:This field displays the ending wage rate that the employee received for this assignment. 
;[Basis|RATE_BASIS]:This field displays the basis for the wage rate indicated in the previous field.\\''e.g. The employee was paid this amount on an hourly (HR) basis, a yearly (YR) basis, per unit (UN), etc.''
;[Available to Contact|AVAILABLE_TO_CONTACT]:This field indicates if the candidate's referral is available to contact. 

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