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The Qualifications Interface File screen is used to import qualification records into the software data structures.   

Qualifications Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_QUALIFICATIONS] table.

;[ID|ID]:This field identifies the posting record within the data base.
;[Candidate|CANDIDATE_CODE]:This field provides a code to identify the candidate. 
;[Status|QUALIFICATION_STATUS]:This field holds the category that this qualification may fall into.
;[Type|QUALIFICATION_TYPE]:This field defines the type of qualification listed in this employee’s development profile.
;[Category|QUALIFICATION_CATEGORY]:This field holds the category that this qualification may fall into.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a sort description of the qualification.
;[Qualification|QUALIFICATION_NAME]:This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the qualification being defined. 
;[Reference|QUALIFICATION_REFERENCE]:The ‘Reference’ field allows you to further define the qualification. 
;[Start Date|QUALIFICATION_START_DATE]/[End Date|QUALIFICATION_END_DATE]:If the qualification has a time limit, a drivers’ license for example, these fields will display the first and last date the qualification is in effect. 
;[Confirmed On|DATE_CONFIRMED]:This field displays the date the qualification was confirmed. 
;[Confirmed By|CONFIRMED_BY]:This displays the name of the individual who confirmed the qualification.
;[Confirmed Status|CONFIRMED_STATUS]:This field indicates status of any confirmation that needs to be made on this qualification. 
;[Interest Level|INTEREST_LEVEL]:This field indicates the interest level the employee may have in the qualification. 
;[Proficiency|PROFICIENCY]:This field displays the level of proficiency that the employee has for this particular qualification.
;[Years of Experience|YEARS_EXPERIENCE]:This field indicates how many years experience the employee has with this particular qualification. 
;[Year Last Used|YEAR_LAST_USED]:This field indicates the number of years since the candidate last used the qualification. 
;[Qualification Type|SUBTYPE_CODE]:If the qualification is sorted beyond the main qualification type, this field identifies the subtype. 

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