The Posting Interface File screen is used to import posting records into the software data structures.
Posting Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_POSTINGS table.
Tab 1#
- ID
- This field identifies the posting record within the data base.
- Entity
- This field displays the entity that is generating the postings.
- Posting
- This field identifies the postings.
- Job Profile
- The job profile associated with this posting will be displayed in this field.
- Person Code
- The person associated with this posting will be displayed in this field.
- Employment Type
- This field allows you to define the type of the employment for the assignment.
- Date of Hire
- The date of hire associated with the assignment is displayed in this field.
- Assignment
- The assignment associated with the posting is displayed in this field.
- Assignment Start Date
- If the assignment is date sensitive, the first date of the assignment will be indicated in this field.
- Posting Title
- This field displays a descriptive title of the posting.
- Status
- This field will display the status of the postings.
- Department
- This field will display the department associated with this postings.
- Location
- This field will display the location associated with this postings.
- Unit
- This field will display the unit associated with this postings.
- Group
- This field will display the group associated with this postings.
- Work Rule
- This field will display the work rule associated with this postings.
- Job
- This field will display the job associated with this postings.
- Position
- This field will display the position associated to this postings.
- Range
- This field will show the salary range for this assignment.
- Scale
- This field will show the wage scale for this assignment.
Tab 2#
- Recruiters
- You may use this field to identify the recruiter for this postings.
- Approved
- This field will indicated if the posting has been approved.
- Source
- This field provides a reason for the postings.
- Type
- This field defines the nature of the postings.
- Category
- This field classifies the postings into a specific group.
- Priority
- The priority of the postings will be shown in this field.
- Required FTE
- This field will show the FTE required for this postings.
- Default FTE
- This field shows the default FTE for this position used for forecasting and costing.
- Filled FTE
- If this posting has been filled, this field will show the amount of FTE that has been filled.
- Date of Requisition
- This field will display the date for this requisition was created.
- Internally Opened On
- This field will display the date the postings was open to internal candidates.
- General Posting Opened
- This field displays the date the postings was opened to external candidates.
- Posting Closed On
- This field displays the date the postings was closed to new applicants.
- Posting Filled As Of
- If the postings been filled, this field will display the date a candidate was hired.
- Employment Type
- The employment type associated with the posting will be displayed in this field.
- Group Type
- This field displays the type of group for this assignment.
- Responsibility Level
- This field identifies the level of responsibility for the assignment.
- Language Class
- This field identifies the language(s) used in this assignment.
- WC Class
- This field identifies the workers compensation for this assignment.
- Work Type
- This field further groups the assignment into work types.
Tab 3#
- Start Date/End Date
- If the assignment is date sensitive, the first and last dates of the assignment will be indicated in these fields.
- Hours Per Day
- This field shows the average daily hours associated with this assignment.
- Hours Per Week
- This field shows the average weekly hours associated with this assignment.
- Wage Rate
- This field will show the wage rate for this assignment.
- Basis
- This field shows the rate basis that the wage is expressed in.
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