The Education Interface File screen is used to import education records into the software data structures.

Education Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_EDUCATIONS table.

This field uniquely identifies the education record within the data base.
The candidate associated with this education is displayed in this field.
Education Status
This field displays the status of the education being recorded.
Education Type
This field classifies the education being recorded into specific types.
Country Name
This field identifies the country where the qualification was earned.
This field identifies the state/province where the qualification was earned.
This field provides a short description of the qualification obtained.
Verified Status
This field indicates the status of the verification of the qualification.
Verified On
This field displays the date the status of the qualification was verified.
School Name
This field provides the name of school where qualification was earned.
School Faculty
This field provides the name of faculty where qualification was earned.
This field identifies the city where the qualification was earned.
Education Start Month
This field indicates the date the course of education was begun.
Education End Month
Major Area of Study
This field displays the employee’s main area of study with respect to this qualification.
Minor Area of Study
This field displays the minor area of study with respect to this qualification.
This field indicates any educational degrees that the candidate has achieved.

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Education tab#

Information for the Education screen is maintained on the P2K_RE_EDUCATIONS table.
This field indicates any educational degrees that the candidate has achieved.
This field indicates the type of institution where the degree was obtained.
This field indicates the phase of the degree process that the employee is at.
This field indicates the status of the verification of the degree.
Date Verified
This field displays the date the status of the degree was verified.
School Name
This field provides the name of school where qualification was earned.
This field provides the name of faculty where qualification was earned.
This field identifies the city where the qualification was earned.
This field identifies the state where the qualification was earned.
This field displays the employee’s main area of study with respect to this degree.
This field displays the minor area of study with respect to this degree.
This field displays the date the employee began the degree.
This field displays the date the employee finished the degree.
GPA Attained
This field holds the grade point average (GPA) that the employee attained for their degree.
GPA Maximum
This field holds the maximum grade point average (GPA) that is available for this degree.
This field provides a short description of the degree obtained.
The ‘Text’ field allows you to provide any additional information about the degree.