The Candidate Interface File screen is used to import candidate records into the software data structures.   

Candidate Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_CANDIDATES] table.
!!Tab 1
;[ID|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the candidate record within the data base.
;[Candidate|CANDIDATE_CODE]:This field provides a code to identify the candidate. 
;[Submitted On|DATE_SUBMITTED]:This field displays the date the candidate submitted their application. 
;[Candidate Status|CANDIDATE_STATUS]:This field will indicate the status of candidate within the recruiting process. 
;[Recruiters|RECRUITER_CODE]:This field will display the recruiter used for this candidate. 
;[Country Name|COUNTRY_CODE]:The country where the candidate resides is displayed in this field.
;[State/Province|STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:The state/province where the candidate resides is displayed in this field.
;[Tax Jurisdiction|GEO_CODE]:The tax jurisdiction for the candidate is displayed in this field.
;[School|SCHOOL_DISTRICT_CODE]:The school district for the candidate is displayed in this field.
;[Candidate Type|CANDIDATE_TYPE]:This field will indicate whether the candidate is an internal or external applicant. 
;[Candidate Category|CANDIDATE_CATEGORY]:This field allows you to group the candidate into a specific group. 
;[Current Employer|CURRENT_EMPLOYER]:This field will display the name of the candidate’s current employer. 
;[Current Title|CURRENT_TITLE]:This field will display the candidate’s title at their current employment. 
;[Candidate Source|CANDIDATE_SOURCE]:This field will indicate the source where the candidate was drawn from.
;[Candidate Password|CANDIDATE_PASSWORD]:
;[Password Changed On|PASSWORD_CHANGED_DATE]:This field displays the date the password was changed. 
;[Password Changed By|PASSWORD_CHANGED_BY]:This field indicates who changed the password.
;[External Candidate ID|EXTERNAL_CANDIDATE_ID]:If an external ID number has been assigned to this candidate, that number will be displayed in this field. 
!!Tab 2
;[SSN Verified|GOVT_CODE_VERIFIED]:If this toggle is ON, the government code has been verified as a legitimate code for that individual. 
;[Start Date|APPLICATION_START_DATE]:This field will indicate the first date the application is open. 
;[End Date|APPLICATION_END_DATE]:This field will indicate the last date the application is open.
;[Available As Of|AVAILABILITY_DATE]:This field will indicate the date the candidate is available to begin a new job. 
;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]:This field provides the first name of the candidate.
;[Middle Name|MIDDLE_NAME]:This field provides the middle name of the candidate.
;[Last Name|LAST_NAME]:This field provides the last name of the candidate.
;[Salutation|SALUTATION]:This field identifies the title of the candidate. 
;[Rank|RANK]:This field shows any name extension (i.e. Jr., Sr., III etc.) the candidate may have. 
;[Date of Birth|BIRTH_DATE]:This field will display the birth date of the candidate.
;[Birthplace|BIRTHPLACE]:This field displays where the candidate was born. 
;[Gender|GENDER]:This field will display the gender of the candidate.
;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]:This field will indicate the candidate’s main language of communication.
;[Ethnic|ETHNIC]:This field allows you to record the candidate’s ethnic background.
;[Challenged|CHALLENGED]:If the candidate is physically challenged, this field allows you to indicate as such.
;[Veteran Status|VETERAN_STATUS]:If the candidate is a veteran, you may indicate as such in this field. 
;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field provides initial information for the candidate’s address, such as street number. 
;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field provides additional address information such as the PO box number or suite number. 
;[City/Town|LOCALITY]:This field refers to the city, district or township for the candidate’s address. 
;[Zip Code|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field holds the zip or postal code for the address.
!!Tab 3
;[Mailing Address 1|MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field provides initial information for the candidate’s mailing address, such as street number. 
;[Mailing Address 2|MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field provides additional mailing address information such as the PO box number or suite number. 
;[Mailing City/Town|MAIL_LOCALITY]:This field refers to the city, district or township for the candidate’s mailing address. 
;[Mailing State|MAIL_STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field refers to the state or province for the candidate's mailing address.
;[Mailing Zip Code|MAIL_ZIP_POSTAL]:This field holds the zip or postal code for the mailing address.
;[Phone Unlisted|PHONE_UNLISTED]:This field displays any unlisted phone number the candidate supplies.
;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:This field displays the candidate's phone number.
;[Phone Ext.|PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field displays the extension (if any) for the candidate.
;[Alt. Phone #|ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:This field displays an alternate phone number for the candidate. 
;[Alt. Phone Ext.|ALT_PHONE_EXTENSION]:This is the extension (if any) for the alternate phone number. 
;[Cellular #|CELLULAR_NUMBER]:This field holds the candidate’s mobile phone number. 
;[E-mail|EMAIL_ADDRESS(Field)]:This field shows the email address or domain name for the candidate. 
;[Marital Status|MARITAL_STATUS]:This field will indicate the marital status of the candidate.
;[Date of Marriage|MARRIED_DATE]:The date the candidate was married is displayed in this field.
;[Number of Dependents|NUMBER_DEPENDENTS]:This field will display the number of the dependents the candidate has. 
;[Transportation|TRANSPORTATION]:This field shows the candidate’s main means of transportation. 
;[Years of Education|YEARS_EDUCATION]:This field will indicate the years of formal education the candidate has had. 
;[Bonded Status|BONDED_STATUS]:This field will indicate if the candidate is bonded. 
;[Citizen Status|CITIZEN_STATUS]:This field will display the citizen status of the candidate.
!!Tab 4
;[Foreign ID|FOREIGN_CODE]:This field shows any foreign registration codes for the candidate.
;[Driver's License|DRIVERS_LICENSE]:If the candidate has a driver’s license, this field will display the license number. 
;[PA #|PA_NUMBER]:This field identifies any personnel action associated with this candidate.
;[PA In Effect As Of|PA_EFFECTIVE_DATE]:This field displays the date that the personnel action will become effective. 
;[Govt Code Origin|GOVT_CODE_ORIGIN]:This field displays the candidate’s country of origin. 

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