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The Assessments Interface File screen is used to import application records into the software data structures.   

Assessments Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_ASSESSMENTS] table.

;[ID|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the assessment record within the data base.
;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the assessment. 
;[Competence Group|COMPETENCE_GROUP]:This field allows you to associate the assessment with a specific competence group. 
;[Status|ASSESSMENT_STATUS]:This field will display the current status of the assessment. 
;[Type|ASSESSMENT_TYPE]:This field classifies the assessment into a specific type. 
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:The entity associated with the assessment is displayed in this field.
;[Supplier|SUPPLIER_CODE]:The supplier associated with the assessment is displayed in this field.
;[Country Name|COUNTRY_CODE]:The entity's country is displayed in this field.
;[State/Province|STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:The entity's state/province is displayed in this field.
;[Category|ASSESSMENT_CATEGORY]:This field allows you to group the assessment into a specific group.
;[Font HTML|FONT_HTML]:This field defines the font HTML for the web component associated with the web address.
;[External Assessment ID|EXTERNAL_ASSESSMENT_ID]:If the assessment is given an ID from an outside entity, that ID should be displayed here. 
;[Desired Points|DESIRED_POINTS]:This field will display the number of points desired for this assessment.
;[Essential Points|ESSENTIAL_POINTS]:This field will display the minimum number of points needed to pass this assessment. 
;[Maximum Points|MAXIMUM_POINTS]:This field will show the maximum points a candidate may obtain for this assessment. 
;[Anonymous|ANONYMOUS]:This field will allow you to complete the assessment anonymously. An example of this instance would be where the assessment is used to take an opinion poll.
;[Allow Question Review|ALLOW_QUESTION_REVIEW]:
;[Show Weighting|SHOW_WEIGHTING]:This field will indicate the weighting of the questions within the assessment. If the toggle is ON, the weighting of each question will show when the candidate takes the assessment. 
;[Must Be Scheduled|MUST_BE_SCHEDULED]:This field indicates if the system will automatically pair station posts with work teams to screen team posts. 
;[Image Location|IMAGE_LOCATION]:

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