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The Canadian Pay Run Interface File screen is used to import historical payroll information at a payrun level into the software data structures.  

Canadian Pay Run Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_PAYRUNS] table.

;[ID|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the Canadian pay run record within the data base.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field displays the entity associated with the pay run.
;[Pay Run|PAY_RUN_NUMBER]:This field displays the unique sequential number assigned to a pay run by the pay calculation process.
;[User|USER_NAME]:This field displays the user id of the person who ran [UPCALC].
;[Payroll|PAYROLL_CODE]:This field shows the payroll that was calculated for this payrun.
;[Pay Point Set|PAY_POINT_SET_CODE]:The pay point set is a set of payroll calculation instructions to be executed for this payroll during the pay cycle. These pay point sets are defined in the [IPPP] screen. 
;[Pay Calendar|PAY_CALENDAR_CODE]:This field defines which calendar is to be used for this payroll.
;[Pay Period|PAY_PERIOD]:This field identifies the pay period for which the pay run is calculated.
;[Stage|PAY_RUN_STAGE]:This field indicates the stage the pay run is in. 
;[Pay Period Future|PAY_PERIOD_FUTURE]:This field identifies the period for any ‘advance’ pays that were calculated.
;[Country Name|COUNTRY_CODE]:This field identifies the county associated with the pay run.
;[Bank Transit|BANK_TRANSIT_CODE]:The bank associated with the pay run is defined in this field.
;[Bank Account|BANK_ACCOUNT]:The bank account associated with the pay run is defined in this field.
;[Starting Number|STARTING_NUMBER]:This field indicates the number of the first check in the series for the pay run. 
;[Start Date/Time|PAY_RUN_START_TIMESTAMP]:This field indicates the date and time that the payrun started ([UPCALC]).
;[End Date/Time|PAY_RUN_END_TIMESTAMP]:This field indicates the date and time that the payrun ended.
;[Employees|EMPLOYEE_COUNT]:This field displays the number of employees in the pay run. 
;[Reversal Pays|REVERSAL_PAY_COUNT]:This field shows the total of reversal category headers in the pay run.
;[Adjustment Pays|ADJUSTMENT_PAY_COUNT]:This is the total of adjustment category headers in the pay run.
;[Current Pays|CURRENT_PAY_COUNT]:This field shows the total of regular category headers in the pay run.
;[Future Pays|FUTURE_PAY_COUNT]:This is the total of future category headers in the pay run.
;[Advance Pays|ADVANCE_PAY_COUNT]:This is the total of advance category headers in the pay run.
;[Bonus Pays|BONUS_PAY_COUNT]:This is the total of bonus category headers in the pay run.
;[Retro Pays|RETROACTIVE_PAY_COUNT]:This is the total of retroactive category headers in the pay run.
;[Disbursed|DISBURSED]:This field indicates if the pays in this payrun have been disbursed ([UPDISB]).
;[Trial Run|TRIAL_RUN]:This field indicates if the update is committed or not.
;[Journalized|JOURNALIZED]:This field indicates if all of the pay lines and pay amounts for this header have been processed through the journalizing process.
;[Journalized Fund|JOURNALIZED_FUND]:This field indicates if the GL Fund processing has been run for this pay run.

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