[{TableOfContents }] !!!PAY LINES INTERFACE FILE The Pay Lines Interface File screen is used to import pay lines into the software data structures. Pay Lines Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_PAYLINES] table. \\ ---- !!Tab 1 ;[ID|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the pay line record within the data base. ;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field identifies the entity associated with the pay line. ;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]:The employee associated with the pay line will be displayed in this field. ;[Employment Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:The employment associated with the pay line is displayed in this field. ;[Date of Hire|HIRE_DATE]:The date the employee was hired is displayed in this field. ;[Pay #|PAY_NUMBER]:This field displays the pay number attached to the pay transaction. ;[Pay Line Status|PAY_LINE_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the pay line created. ;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]:The unit associated with the pay line is displayed in this field. ;[Group|GROUP_CODE]:The group associated with the pay line is displayed in this field. ;[Leave Type|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]:The leave type associated with the pay line is displayed in this field. ;[Plan|PLAN_CODE]:This field identifies any benefit plan associated with the pay line. ;[User Calc|USER_CALC_CODE]:Any user calc associated with the pay line is identified in this field. ;[Job|JOB_CODE]:The job associated with the pay line is displayed in this field. ;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:The department associated with the pay line is displayed in this field. ;[Position|POSITION_CODE]:The position associated with the pay line is displayed in this field. ;[Start Date|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]:The start date of the assignment. ;[|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:The assignment is displayed in this field. ;[Pay Component|PC_CODE_HEADER]:The pay component associated with the pay line is displayed in this field. ;[Country Name|COUNTRY_CODE]:The country where the employee resides is indicated in this field. ;[State, Country|STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:The state or province where the employee resides is indicated in this field. \\ ---- !!Tab 2 ;[Tax Jurisdiction|GEO_CODE]:This field holds the GEO code of the city, county or state used for taxation purposes. ;[Pay Point Type|PAY_POINT_TYPE]:This field indicates the type of logic that is assigned to a pay point. ;[Pay Line Task|PAY_POINT_TASK]:This field identifies the item being processed within the pay point in the payroll calculation. ;[Seq #|PAY_POINT_SEQUENCE]:This field identifies the order of the tasks within each pay point type. ;[Start Date|START_DATE]/[End Date|END_DATE]:These fields identify the start and end dates of the pay period. ;[Journalized|JOURNALIZED]:This field indicates if all of the pay lines and pay amounts for this header have been processed through the journalizing process. ;[Posted Experience|POSTED_EXPERIENCE]:This field indicates if the pay line has been updated to the experience application through the track experience process ([USEP]). ;[Posted Career Planning|POSTED_CAREER_PLANNING]: ;[Posted Safety|POSTED_SAFETY]: ;[Posted Benefits|POSTED_BENEFITS]: ;[Posted Attendance|POSTED_ATTENDANCE]: ;[Work in Process|WORK_IN_PROCESS]:This field is used to indicate if this pay line is considered a WIP transaction, which will be journalized to the Work in Progress account of the general ledger, instead of the GL accounts defined on the [IPPC] form. ;[Audited|AUDITED]:This field indicates if the batch has passed successfully through the audit process ([UPAUDT]) ;[Time Entered|TIME_ENTERED]:This field shows the amount or time entered for the pay component. ;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:This field indicates the unit of measure that the time amount is expressed in. ;[Standard Wage Rate|STD_WAGE_RATE]:This field holds the standard wage rate from the assignment. ;[Standard Wage Basis|STD_WAGE_RATE_BASIS]:This field holds the unit of measure that the standard wage rate is expressed in. ;[Source|PAY_LINE_SOURCE]: ;[WC Class|WCB_CLASS]:This field displays the Workers’ Compensation classification used to determine the WC category for reporting. \\ ---- !! Tab 3 ;[Distribution Mask|DISTRIBUTION_MASK]:This is the edit mask for the distribution code that provides a default value which overlays the distribution code on the position and assignment records. ;[Reference Information|REFERENCE_INFO]:This field provides additional reference information. ;[Detail Generated|DETAIL_GENERATED]:This field indicates if a pay line detail has been generated for this pay line through ‘Save’, [UPTR] or [UPTL]. ;[Rate Overridden|RATE_OVERRIDDEN]: ;[Audit Text|AUDIT_TEXT_HEADER]: ;[Arrears Collected|ARREARS_COLLECTED]: ;[Retro Pay|RETRO_PAY]: ;[Work Order|WORK_ORDER]: ;[Contract Calendar Code|CONTRACT_CALENDAR_CODE]: ;[Transaction Pointer|TRANSACTION_POINTER_HEADER]: ;[Reason For Time|REASON_FOR_TIME]: ;[PC Component|PC_CODE_DETAIL]: ;[Element|ELEMENT_CODE]: ;[User Variable|USER_VARIABLE_CODE]: ;[Premium|PREMIUM_CODE]: ;[Pay Line Detail Status|PAY_LINE_DETAIL_STATUS]: ;[Action|PC_ACTION]: ;[Pay Detail Type|PC_DETAIL_TYPE]: ;[Calculation Method|PC_CALC_METHOD]: ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: \\ ---- !!Tab 4 ;[Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE]: ;[O/R Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE_OVERRIDE]: ;[Basis|RATE_BASIS]: ;[O/R Basis|RATE_BASIS_OVERRIDE]: ;[Amount $|AMOUNT]: ;[|AMOUNT_OVERRIDE]: ;[Amount Processed|AMOUNT_PROCESSED]: ;[O/R User Variable|USER_VARIABLE_OVERRIDE]: ;[Distribution DR Mask|DISTRIBUTION_DR_MASK]: ;[Distribution CR Mask|DISTRIBUTION_CR_MASK]: ;[Rate Source|PC_RATE_SOURCE]: ;[Higher of Rate|HIGHER_OF_RATE]: ;[|RETRO_AMOUNT]: ;[|AUDIT_TEXT_DETAILS]: ;[|STAT_CODE]: ;[|REFERENCE_ID]: ;[|JOURNALIZED_BY]: ;[|WC_REGIST_TYPE]: ;[|WCB_CLASS_DETAILS]: ;[|ENTERED_VALUE]: ;[|ENTERED_VALUE_SOURCE]: ;[|TRANSACTION_POINTER_DETAILS]: [{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated' ---- ![Discussion|Edit:Internal.IVPPL] [{InsertPage page='Internal.IVPPL' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] }]