The Pay Headers Interface File screen is used to import historical employee payroll information at a summary level into the software data structures.  

Pay Headers Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_PAYHEADERS] table.
!!Tab 1
;[ID|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the pay header record within the data base.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:The entity associated with the pay header is identified in this field.
;[Person|PERSON_CODE]:The individual associated with the pay header is identified in this field.
;[Employment Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:The employment type associated with the pay header is identified in this field.
;[Date of Hire|HIRE_DATE]:The individual's hire date is displayed in this field.
;[Pay Number|PAY_NUMBER]:This field shows the unique pay number assigned to each pay header that is created for a person. 
;[User|USER_NAME]:The user associated with the pay header is identified in this field.
;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]:This is the unit to which the group indicated belongs. 
;[Group|GROUP_CODE]:This is the group derived from the pay header assignment work rule.
;[Country Name|COUNTRY_CODE]:The country where the employee resides is indicated in this field.
;[Home State|HOME_STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field holds the state or province where the employee resides.
;[Work State|WORK_STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field shows the State or Province code standard abbreviation where the employee works.
;[Pay Category|PAY_CATEGORY_CODE]:The pay category associated with the pay header is displayed in this field.
;[Pay Calendar|PAY_CALENDAR_CODE]:The pay calendar associated with the pay header is displayed in this field.
;[Pay Period|PAY_PERIOD]:Pay periods are numbered by the year, followed by the period of the year. 
;[Payroll|PAYROLL_CODE]:This field displays the payroll associated with the pay header.
;[Batch #|BATCH_NUMBER]:This field shows the batch to which this pay is attached. 
;[Pay Run|PAY_RUN_NUMBER]:The pay run associated with the pay header is displayed in this field.
;[School|SCHOOL_DISTRICT_CODE]:For U.S. installations only: This field shows the school district to which the employee pays taxes.
;[Home GEO Code|GEO_CODE_HOME]:This field holds the GEO code of the home city, county or state used for taxation purposes. 
!! Tab 2
;[Work GEO Code|GEO_CODE_WORK]:This field holds the GEO code of the work city, county or state used for taxation purposes. 
;[Audited|AUDITED]:This field indicates if the pay header has passed all the validation checks of the audit process (UPAUDT) and is ready to be processed through pay calculation.
;[Check #|CHECK_NUMBER]:The check number is assigned by you from the manual check range for the organization’s bank from IPBA.
;[Final Pay Method|FINAL_PAY_METHOD]:The final pay method indicates whether or not a pay is considered to be an employee's final pay.
;[First Pay in Month|FIRST_PAY_IN_MONTH]:This field indicates if the pay header is for the first time the employee has been paid in the calendar month for a regular pay.
;[First |FIRST_PAY_IN_PERIOD]:This field indicates if this is a regular pay category header, and the first time the employee has been paid in this pay period.
;[Hand Check|HAND_CHECK]:This field indicates if the pay header is for a pay which includes a [hand written check|HAND CHECK] that needs to be recorded in the system. 
;[Pay by Check|PAY_BY_CHECK]:This field indicates whether the payment will be overridden by check or prime deposit.
;[Source|PAY_HEADER_SOURCE]:This field indicates the process that created the pay header.
;[Stage|PAY_HEADER_STAGE]:This field indicates the status of a pay header. 
;[Payrun Seq #|PAY_RUN_SEQUENCE]:This field denotes the order that the pay header was processed within the pay run. This field will be displayed as ‘N/A’ if this pay headers is not attached to a pay run.
;[Posted Benefits|POSTED_BENEFITS]:
;[Posted Attendance|POSTED_ATTENDANCE]:
;[Quick Pay|QUICK_PAY]:
;[Tax Weeks|TAX_WEEKS]:This field shows the number of tax weeks associated with this pay for this pay frequency.
;[Time Sheet Returned|TIMESHEET_RETURNED]:This field indicates to the system that the employee has returned the time sheet.
;[Check Amount|CHECK_AMOUNT]:This field shows the amount of the check associated with the pay, only if it is a ‘[hand check|HAND CHECK]’.
;[Pay Issue Date|PAY_ISSUE_DATE]:The Pay Issue Date is the date that payment is issued for the time sheet. 
;[Sundry Attached|SUNDRY_ATTACHED]:This field indicates if the time sheet has been successfully processed by UPAUDT.
;[Journalized|JOURNALIZED]:If this toggle is ON, the pay line has been processed through the journalizing process (UPLG, UPGL). If the toggle is OFF, the pay line has not yet been journalized, or is not an item that requires journalizing. 
!!Tab 3
;[Pay Number|REVERSAL_PAY_NUMBER]:If the category indicated is a reversal, then the pay that is to be reversed must be indicated in this field. 
;[Assignment Code|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:This field will display the assignment for which this pay is generated.
;[Assignment Start Date|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]:This field will display the start date of the assignment.
;[Journalized Fund|JOURNALIZED_FUND]: This field indicates if the segment of the GL Distribution can be used as a 'Fund'. 

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