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The Job Interface File screen is used to import job codes into the software data structures.

Job Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_JOBS] table.

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Tab 1
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field displays the entity to which the job belongs. 
;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]:This field shows the unit to which the job belongs. 
;[Job|JOB_CODE]:The job code is the short name, reference code, or number that uniquely identifies this job within the organization. 
;[Standing|STANDING]:Standing is used to indicate whether the job is active, frozen or obsolete.
;[Effective As Of|EFFECTIVE]/[Expires On|EXPIRY]:If the job is temporary, these field indicate the dates the job is effective.
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date. 
;[Title|JOB_TITLE]:This is the formal title of the job. 
;[Occupation|OCCUPATION_CODE]:This field associates the job to a specific occupation.
;[Range|RANGE_CODE]:This field displays the salary or wage range associated with the job. 
;[Work Rule|WORK_RULE_CODE]:The work rule associated with the job is displayed in this field.
;[Scale|SCALE_CODE]:The rate scale associated with the job is displayed in this field.
;[Scale/Step|STEP_CODE]:The scale/step associated with the job is displayed in this field.
;[Description 1|DESCRIPTION_1]/[Description 2|DESCRIPTION_2]:These screens provide a description and further information about the job.
;[Job Type|JOB_TYPE]:The job's type is defined in this field. 
;[Job Class|JOB_CLASS]:The job's class is defined in this field.
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Tab 2
;[WC Class|WCB_CLASS]:This field associates the job to a specific Workers’ Compensation classification used to determine the WC category for reporting and WC Contribution. 
;[EEO Category|EEO_CATEGORY]:This field associates the job to a specific EEO Category. 
;[Std Hours Per Day|STD_HOURS_PER_DAY]:This field holds the average number of hours per day that are required by this job.
;[Std Hours Per Week|STD_HOURS_PER_WEEK]:This field holds the regular number of hours per week required by this job. 
;[Std Hours Per Pay|STD_HOURS_PER_PAY]:This field displays the regular hours in a pay period required by the job.
;[Job Points|JOB_POINTS]:For the purposes of using salary ranges ‘by formula’, job points may be assigned. 
;[Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE]:This field displays the standard or starting rate for this job by the rate basis below.
;[Rate Basis|RATE_BASIS]:The rate basis is the unit of measure the associated rate is being stored or displayed in (i.e. hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, annual or contract).
;[Overtime Exempt|OVERTIME_EXEMPT]:This field indicates if overtime is payable for this job or not.
;[Direct Wages|DIRECT_CHARGE]:This field indicates whether all work done in this job is charged directly to a specific distribution (i.e. a work or job order, dept, cost center or account), regardless of who works on it. 
;[Assignment Required|ASSIGNMENT_REQUIRED]:This field indicates if an assignment record is required before an employee may be paid for performing a job.
;[Job Profile|JOB_PROFILE_CODE]:This field associates the job to a specific job profile; the ‘job posting’ information linked to the [Recruitment|MODULE-RE] application. 
;[Profile User Name|PROFILE_USER_NAME]:
;[Premium|PREMIUM_CODE]:This field shows the user-defined code that uniquely identifies this premium within the organization. 
;[Premium Rate Basis|PREMIUM_RATE_BASIS]:The rate basis is the unit of measure in which the associated rate is being stored or displayed for the defaulted Premium Rate.
;[Premium Rate|PREMIUM_RATE]:This field displays the rate that is used defaulted from this premium. 
;[Sequence #|SPLIT_SEQUENCE]:This field defines the sequential order of the distribution mask for this job.
;[Distribution|DISTRIBUTION_CODE]:If a specific distribution segment code is to receive a portion (even 100%) of the costs, this field identifies part or all of that code. This is normally the distribution of the wages associated with the job.
;[Split Rule|SPLIT_RULE]:The distribution split rule indicates whether the distribution is being split by a percentage, by flat amount or by a Distribution pick list of authorized assignments. 
;[Split Percentage|SPLIT_PERCENT]:
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Tab 3
;[Split Amount|SPLIT_AMOUNT]:If the split rule is ‘by amount’ then indicate the amount in this field. 
;[Start Date|START_DATE]/[End Date|END_DATE]:These dates indicate the dates this distribution may be used.
;[G/L Fund Code|GL_FUND_CODE]:
;[User Percent|USER_PERCENT]:This value in this field is for display purposes only and is defaulted once the Dist % is complete.
;[User Field Value 1 - 10|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]:
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