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The GL Funds Interface File screen is used to import GL Fund codes into the software data structures.

GL Funds Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_GLFUNDS] table.

;[ID|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the GL fund within the data base.
;[GL Fund|GL_FUND_CODE]:This field identifies the GL fund.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:A description of the GL fund is displayed in this field.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field provides the entity associated with the GL fund.
;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:This field provides the department associated with the GL fund.
;[Distribution Mask|DISTRIBUTION_MASK]:The distribution mask for the GL fund is displayed in this field.
;[GL Segment Number|GL_SEGMENT_NUMBER]:The GL segment number for the GL fund is displayed in this field.
;[Level of Seg. Total|LEVEL_OF_SEG_TOTAL]:
;[Program|PROGRAM_CODE]:The program associated with the GL fund is displayed in this field.
;[Program Description|PROGRAM_DESC]:A description of the the program is displayed in this field.
;[Fund Type|FUND_TYPE]:This field identifies the type of fund being defined.
;[Grant Code|GRANT_CODE]:If the fund type is a grant, the associated grant is defined.
;[Grant Type|GRANT_TYPE]:The type of grant is defined in this field.
;[Activity|ACTIVITY_CODE]:The activity associated with this fund will be listed in this field.
;[Manager|ACCOUNT_MANAGER]:The individual responsible for this account is listed in this field.
;[Responsible Person|RESPONSIBLE_PERSON]:This field identifies the individual responsible for the account. 
;[Last Evaluation Date|LAST_EVAL_DATE]:
;[Fund Given|FUND_GIVEN]:
;[Fund Actual|FUND_ACTUAL]:
;[Fund Balance|FUND_BALANCE]:
;[Balance to Complete|BALANCE_TO_COMPLETE]:
;[Balance Sent To Date|BALANCE_SENT_TODATE]:
;[Fund Element Code 1|FUND_ELEMENT_CODE1]/[Code 2|FUND_ELEMENT_CODE2]/[Code 3|FUND_ELEMENT_CODE3]:These fields describe the fund elements codes.
;[Fund Element Type 1|FUND_ELEMENT_TYPE1]/[Type 2|FUND_ELEMENT_TYPE2]/[Type 3|FUND_ELEMENT_TYPE3]:These fields describe the fund elements types.
;[Fund Element Description 1|FUND_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION1]/[Description 2|FUND_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION2]/[Description 3|FUND_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION3]:These fields describe the fund elements.
;[Fund Element Amount 1|FUND_ELEMENT_AMOUNT1]/[Amount 2|FUND_ELEMENT_AMOUNT2]/[Amount 3|FUND_ELEMENT_AMOUNT3]:These fields describe the amounts of the fund elements.

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