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The Training Suppliers Interface File screen is used to import a list of training needs. 

Training Suppliers Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_TRAININGSUPPLIERS] table.
;[ID]:This field uniquely identifies the training supplier within the data base.
;[SUPPLIER_CODE]:This field uniquely identifies the supplier within the data base.
;[SUPPLIER_STATUS]:The supplier's status is indicated in this field.
;[ENTITY_CODE]:The entity associated with the supplier is identified in this field.
;[COUNTRY_CODE]:The country where the supplier is located is displayed in this field.
;[STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field indicates the supplier's location.
;[SUPPLIER_TYPE]:The type of supplier is indicated in this field.
;[SUPPLIER_DESCRIPTION]:A short description of the supplier is defined in this field.
;[COMPANY_NAME]:The supplier's company is identified in this field.
;[CONTACT_NAME]:A contact name for the supplier is displayed here.
;[CONTACT_TITLE]:The contact's title is displayed in this field.
;[PHONE_NUMBER]:A phone number for the supplier is displayed in this field.
;[SUPPLIER_CATEGORY]:The supplier's category is displayed in this field.
;[PHONE_EXTENSION]:A phone extension is displayed in this field.
;[ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:An alternate phone number for the supplier is displayed in this field.
;[ALT_PHONE_EXTENSION]:An alternate phone extension is displayed in this field.
;[FAX_NUMBER]:A fax number for the supplier is displayed in this field.
;[EMAIL_ADDRESS]:An email address for the supplier is displayed in this field.
;[ADDRESS_LINE_1]/[ADDRESS_LINE_2]:These lines provide address information for the supplier.
;[LOCALITY]:The supplier's locality will be displayed in this field.
;[ZIP_POSTAL]:A postal/zip code for the supplier address is displayed in this field.

;[Job Profile|JOB_PROFILE_CODE]:The entity associated with the training need is identified in this field.
;[Description|TRAINING_NEED_DESCRIPTION]:A description of the training need is provided in this field.
;[Mandatory|MANDATORY]:This field indicates if the training need is mandatory.
;[Repeat Basis|REPEAT_BASIS]:
;[Course|COURSE_CODE]:The course associated with the training need is provided in this field.
;[Program|PROGRAM_CODE]:The program associated with the training need is provided in this field.

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