Table of Contents


The Class Schedule Interface File screen is used to import a list of courses.

Class Schedule Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_CLASSSCHEDULES table.

This field uniquely identifies the class schedule within the data base.
This field identifies the courses included in the interface file.
Class Class Status Location User First Name Last Name Relation Employer Approved Class Title Font HTML Start Date of Enrollment Enrollment to End On External Class ID Start Date of Class Class to End On
The duration of the course is displayed in this field.
Duration Basis
The time basis of the duration is displayed in this field.
Course Format
The course format is
Candidate Minimum Size Maximum Size Ideal Size Budgeted Cost Actual Cost Currency

Competence Group
The competence group associated with the course is defined in this field.
Course Status
The status of the course is displayed in this field.
The course supplier is defined in this field.
Assessment Tested
This field identifies the test assessment associated with this course.
Assessment Surveyed
This field identifies the survey assessment associated with this course.
Course Type
The course type is defined in this field.
Course Category
The course category is defined in this field.
Course Title
The course title is defined in this field.
This field defines the font HTML for the web component
External Course ID
If the course is external, this field provides the course identifier.
Start Date of Course / Course to End On
These field identify the days the course starts and ends.
Starting Day
This field identifies the day of the week that the course will begin.

Repeat Basis
If this course needs to be retaken on a regular basis, that interval is defined in this field.
This field identifies the individual or position advocating this course.