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The Program Steps Interface File screen is used to import a list of program steps.

Program Steps Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_PROGRAMSTEPS] table.
;[ID|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the interface within the data base.
;[Child Program|CHILD_PROGRAM_CODE]:
;[Program|PROGRAM_CODE]:This field identifies the development program.
;[Seq #|PROGRAM_STEP_SEQUENCE]:The program step sequence is displayed in this field.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:A description of the program step is displayed in this field.
;[Mandatory|MANDATORY]:This field will indicate if the step is mandatory.
;[Sub Program|SUB_PROGRAM_CODE]:Any sub-program associated with the program will be defined here.
;[Course|COURSE_CODE]:The course associated with the program will be identified in this field.
;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]:The assessment associated with the program step will be identified in this field.

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