Table of Contents
The Development Programs Interface File screen is used to import a list of competence usages.
Development Programs Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_DEVELOPMENTPROGRAMS table.
- ID
- This field uniquely identifies the interface within the data base.
- Program
- This field identifies the development program.
- Competence Group
- This field identifies the competence group associated with the development program.
- Status
- The program status is displayed in this field.
- Entity
- This field identifies the entity associated with the program.
- Approved
- This field will indicate if the program has been approved.
- Type
- The program type will be displayed in this field.
- Program Title
- The program title will be displayed in this field.
- Start Date/End Date
- The beginning and end dates of the program are displayed in this field.
- Program Budget
- The program budget will be displayed in this field.
- Currency
- The currency