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The Enrollments Interface File screen is used to import the list of benefit plans and coverages that an employee has elected to participate in into the software data structures. The plan, coverage and Benefit Components must be defined in the benefit module before loading in ENROLLMENT records.

Enrollments Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_ENROLLMENTS] table.
;[ID|ID]:This field identifies the enrollment record within the database.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:The entity associated with the enrollment files will be defined in this field.
;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]:The employee associated with the enrollment files will be defined in this field.
;[Employment Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:The employee's employment type is listed in this field.
;[Date of Hire|HIRE_DATE]:The employee's hire date is displayed in this field.
;[Plan|PLAN_CODE]:The plan the employee enrolled in is displayed in this field.
;[Effective as Of|EFFECTIVE]:This field holds the date from when an employee is enrolled into the coverage.
;[Expires On|EXPIRY]:This is the date after which the employee is no longer enrolled in the coverage.
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:The change reason, a user-defined table, allows users to track why information has been created or changed as of an effective date. 
;[Coverage|COVERAGE_CODE]:The coverage that the employee is enrolled in is displayed in this field.
;[Frequency|FREQUENCY_CODE]:This is the frequency of the benefit cycle for this coverage for the employee.
;[Participation Rule|PARTICIPATION_RULE]:This field indicates whether participation in a benefit plan or coverage is mandatory or optional. 
;[Coverage Step|COVERAGE_STEP_CODE]:The coverage step the employee is at is displayed in this field.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:A description of the plan enrollment will be displayed in this field.
;[Unofficial|UNOFFICIAL]:This field indicates whether an update process of the system has or has not yet committed the record.
;[Status|ENROLLMENT_STATUS]:The employee's enrollment status will be displayed in this field.
;[Start Date of Eligibility|ELIGIBILITY_START_DATE]/[Eligibility to End of|ELIGIBILITY_END_DATE]:The dates the employee is eligible for the the plan are displayed these fields
;[Premium to Start on|PREMIUM_START_DATE]/[Premium to End on|PREMIUM_END_DATE]:The dates the premium is effective are displayed in these fields.
;[Registration #|PLAN_REG_NUMBER]:The plan registration number is displayed in this field.
;[Evidence of Insurance|EVIDENCE_OF_INSURANCE]:If this toggle is ON, there is a hard copy of “Evidence of Insurance” that has been received. If this toggle is OFF, there was no hard copy provided. 
;[Percentage|PERCENTAGE]:This field indicates the benefit percentage an employee receives in the event of a claim. 
;[BC Code|BC_CODE]:The benefit component associated with this coverage is identified in this field.
;[Amount $|AMOUNT]:This is the value of the person's coverage component amount. 
;[O/R Amount $|AMOUNT_OVERRIDE]:This field provides the value of any override amount entered by the user. 
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