Worker Information provides information such as when employees are pre-authorized for specific jobs in specific departments or when an employee has a work restriction such as “will not work on Saturday”.

* Job authorizations can be categorized and ranked
* Work restrictions can be total or partial - “will not” or “prefers not to”
* Work restrictions can be placed on hours, days or shifts
* Job Authorizations and Work Restrictions are entered on the same screen. It is not necessary to fill in the Work Restrictions area when entering a job authorization, and vice versa.

;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]: This field shows the unique code or number assigned to this employee by the organization. 
(i.e. employee number, personal ID number, badge number). Person_Code from [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] is a 10-character alphanumeric mandatory field.
;[Work Division|WORK_DIVISION_CODE]: A subdivision of an operational entity in a physical location such as a plant, factory, mill,
store, restaurant, theater, casino, police force, fire service, treatment plant, hospital, school or campus, overseen by a manager or director of operations. A work division is generally subdivided into a number of work areas where work is performed. This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the work division, a subdivision within an entity. Work_Division_Code from [P2K_TS_WORK_DIVISIONS] is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field you may either manually enter or select a value from the LOV(F9) provided.
;[Seniority Date|SENIORITY_DATE]: This field shows the date that the employee will gain seniority in this assignment. Seniority_Date is an optional date you may manually enter or select a value from the calendar (F9).
;[Seniority Sequence|SENIORITY_SEQUENCE]: The order that the data must be displayed or processed Senority_Sequence is a 5-character numeric optional field you may manually enter.

!!Worker Preferences and Availability tab
;[Worker Availability|WORKER_AVAILABILITY]: This field indicates whether the Worker is available to be scheduled. Worker_Availability is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon [X_WORKER_AVAILABILITY].
;[Selected Shift|TSS_ID_SELECTED]: This field indicates the employees selected shift they will be available to be scheduled into. Selected_Shift from P2K_TS_SHIFTS is a 10-character alphanumeric optional field you may either manually enter or select a value from the LOV(F9) provided.
;[Selected Work Area|TWA_ID_SELECTED]: This field indicates the selected Work Area for this employee. Selected_Work_Area from [P2K_TS_WORK_AREAS] is a 10-character alphanumeric optional field you may either manually enter or select a value from the LOV(F9) provided.
;[1st Pref Day Off|DAY_OF_WEEK_OFF_1]: This field indicates the 1st preferred day off for this employee. e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Weekdays, Weekends, etc. Day_Of_Week_Off_1 is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon [X_DAY_OF_WEEK].
;[2nd Pref Day Off|DAY_OF_WEEK_OFF_2]: This field indicates the 2nd preferred day off for this employee. Day_Of_Week_Off_2 is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon [X_DAY_OF_WEEK].
;[3rd Pref Day Off|DAY_OF_WEEK_OFF_3]: This field indicates the 2rd preferred day off for this employee. Day_Of_Week_Off_3 is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon [X_DAY_OF_WEEK].
;[# of Shifts per Week|DESIRED_SHIFTS_PER_WEEK]: Records the number of shifts this employee will work in a week. This is an optional numeric field. Desired_Shifts_Per_Week
;Selected Shift Bids: These fields shows the specific shifts the employees is scheduled for based on day of the week. These fields are used by the [UTBPR] program to schedule an employee into a specific shift on a specific day of the week. 16-character alphanumeric codes field the user must manually enter or use the LOV from [P2K_TS_SHIFTS].
!!!Primary Assignment Information tab

The assignment information for this area is defaulted in from [P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]. This information is updated each time the [UTBWO] program is run.

%%information This data is for viewing only and the user will not be able to edit the fields.%%

;[Work Rule|??]:
;[O/R Work Calendar|??]:

!!Work Areas tab